OCWLS Toms River Meeting - Friday August 4
Just a reminder that this Friday, August 4th is the next regularly scheduled meeting of the Toms River OCWLS Support Group. We will meet at Community Medical Center, Auditorium A in Toms River (Hospital Drive and Rout 37 West) from 7-9pm.
If anybody needs additional information, drop me a line.
Ok - whose "IN"
I won't be able to make it this Friday, I will be on the cruise
I would love to encourage Crystal and Robin to go to the meeting if they can. Like Crystal, I am also pre-op, having surgery August 31 with Dr. Trivedi in Hackensack.
Robin, you are so new! 6 days post op and you are feeling well enough to come to group-you go girl! I am so sorry I won't be able to meet you both this month in Toms River, but I will be in Lakewood group (pretty much the same people) on Thursday, August 17'th.
Have a wonderful meeting and please give my love to everyone!
Michelle Brennan
(30 days until surgery....)
(35 days until the kids go back to SCHOOL!!!)