lost file at surgeons office
Hi it has been an interesting journey. Has anyone experienced your file being lost? I have been jumping through insurance hoops and am now ready to resubmit and my file is lost. They have lost letters from my doctor and I have had them re-faxed. Now my file is missing. I have everything done that I need to do (except for pulmonary and cardiac - told to wait till insur approv) I know Cigna is very difficult but I need to resubmit before my year runs out after my denial.. I have avoided posting any info both positive or negative because I was told our insurance and our doctors can read this info on a public board. I am happy with my surgeon but i am so frustrated. They lost my file two weeks ago, lost my last doctors letter in june(refaxed again). My friend had her wls surgery with this office. Now I have faith in the surgeon but not his office. Just need to vent over my lost file and not being resubmitted to insurance. I have been waiting since june.
hi franni
sorry about your troubles -- i also have Kirkland -- BCBS 'lost' Ross's file and it had to be re-submitted -- we found this out when i called after the 2 week wait period to see how everything was going -- then it took 9 hours to re-fax everything to a correct number -- but after that it was smooth sailing
keep smiling
everything has a way of working out -- besides, if you stress, your hair will fall out -- and ya dont' want that!!

Oh my gosh, I really understand your frustration!! I hope it gets all straightened out quickly. Someone told me - and I didn't listen - to get my own copies of EVERYTHING, so that if anything got lost, I'd have it myself to fax over to whomever needed it. I didn't do it, but if I had run into something like you're going through, I'd be kicking myself!