Worried about hair loss
hi pat
mine has been falling out for 4 months now -- have no idea what to do about it -- i try not bru**** -- try to put it up loosely -- try not to move when i sleep -- don't scrub it when i wa**** --i think i have to cut it now -- just to run my fingers thru it is a mess -- and my surgery is 10/6!! i'll look like ross by then!!! wonder if AJ will share his bandana's with us????
good luck

Hi, Pat! I'm having my surgery on August 1st also! Good luck with your surgery!
I have read extensively about this - I'm scared to death of losing my hair. I have read that some people really don't lose hair. I've read that if you keep up your protein, you have less chance of losing hair. And I have also read that taking Biotin might help.
I haven't gone through the surgery yet - obviously - so I don't know how effective any of the treatments are. I also tend to think from what I've read that there may be no preventing at least SOME hair loss - just from the stress and trauma on your system from the surgery itself. The good thing, though, is that it seems to grow back! So in the interim, try not to wa**** every day; avoid pulling it up into a pony tail or any other style that can cause stress to the hair; and go easy on the brushing/combing.
To minimize hair loss, start taking your vitamins even before surgery (up to 3 months before is best), and definately keep up your protein intake. The hair loss is will start about four-five months after surgery - go on for about 3 months, then taper off. It's not that bad, believe me!
Good luck
I did lose hair, but not all that much.. I used some hair thickening products that helped out and I used conditioners for dry hair.
Its not always the loss of protein that causes hair loss, sometines they say its a side effect of anthesia and people who have other surgeries lose hair too... I know I took a lot of extra protein due to a healing problem and I still lost hair.
It is temporary for most people too...
Good luck,
my nut said that she has never seen such a severe case that anyone would actually notice accept the patient themselves and she's been in the field for over 10 years!
My theory is this: I needed weight loss surgery (had it 2 1/2 months ago) not to lose weight persay but to get healthy. So if I am destined to lose some of my hair (which I LOVE by the way) so be it! I even have a few wig stores in my favorite places on my home computer just in case. My advice is to stop worrying about it and deal with it IF it happens! If you keep up with your vitamins and your protein you should be fine.