NYTimes Editorial on WLS - TODAY!
July 25, 2006
The Complications of Obesity Surgery
The latest evaluation of drastic weight-loss surgery provides both good news and bad news for patients who are severely obese. The study by federal health analysts found that the death rate from so-called bariatric surgery was relatively low but that the rate of subsequent complications was twice as high as measured in previous studies that followed patients for much shorter periods. Even so, for some people, the benefits of the drastic surgery, which typically involves shortening the intestines and reducing the size of the stomach, must surely outweigh the risks.
The new study, which was conducted by the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, examined insurance claims data for some 2,500 people under age 65 who had weight-loss surgery in 2001 and 2002. The death rate was only two per thousand patients. But 22 percent of the patients suffered complications during their initial stay in the hospital, and that number rose to 40 percent during the first six months after discharge. The complications ranged from the relatively routine, like diarrhea and vomiting, to more serious leakage of gastric fluids, abdominal hernias and infections. The report found that laparoscopic bariatric surgery, which requires only small incisions, had a lower complication rate. So as laparoscopy increasingly becomes a favored mode of treatment, complications should come down.
Patients will need to be aware of these problems, but they do not seem grave enough to warrant shunning surgery that is often the only hope for morbidly obese patients who may be 100 or more pounds overweight.
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Copyright 2006 The New York Times Company
Dear Michelle,
You are soooooo right! LAP RNY is, I think, ideal!
I just looked at your profile and it appears that your WLS date is coming up soon. What's the exact date so I can hold you in prayer?
That's a great photo of you with your loving "spice."
I've been calling my husband of 37+ years "spice" rather than spouse for almost that long, 'cause I think spouse sounds awful (rhymes with louse, mouse, dowse... -you get the idea
I finally got my "BACK TO BASICS" story in the last issue of OH MAG - "THE KEY TO OVERCOMING SELF-SABOTAGE & YO-YO DIETING" - scanned onto digital CD-rom, so if you or ANY ONE ELSE READING THIS would like a FREE copy
emailed to them, just email me.
Read my OH member profile and you'll see how positive my experience and journey has been.

Hello Lauralyn~
I really enjoyed reading your profile. You sound like you have had a totally happy and positive experience with your weight loss surgery and afterwards too! I am having my surgery August 31'st, 4 weeks from this coming Thursday. This Thursday we are taking a cruise to Canada, 13 of us, after we come back, it's all down to the business of getting ready for surgery
If you could give me one piece of advice, being 4 weeks away from surgery, what would it be?
Also, I would LOVE to see your article "Back to Basics"! You can e-mail it to [email protected]. I would love to read it.
Thanks for the prayers and your lovely response.
Michelle in NJ

I would love to read your article too, if you don't mind emailing to [email protected].
Donna C.