Banded and home
I had my surgery Monday and I'm home. I had some nausea and couldn't keep stuff down at first but doing better now. I'm just so unsure of how much and what to drink.....there is so much on the discharge sheets the doctor gives you but no sample menu - that would be great. Anyway, the worst of everything was this horrible headache I had for 2 days from the anesthesia. Thanks for all your good wishes and prayers. Please keep praying for my recovery - I really need to go back to work on Monday. I will not be at the Lakewood group tonight, I'm still just a little too sore but hope to be at the next meeting. Thanks, Donna C.
Thank you for your good thoughts. The worst part of the whole surgery was the horrible headache I had afterwards. I also have had problems with my sinuses in the past and the oxygen really dried them out and I had several nosebleeds. I don't know if anyone else has had similar problems but to use my cpap machine made it worse but yet I know I need to use it for proper healing. Anyway, today, Saturday (surgery was Monday) is the best day I have had. The headache is completely gone.
Donna C.
Hello Donna~
I am so glad it's over for you! I am so glad things went well for you, besides the headache anyway. No complications, and you are on your way to getting healthy! I am so happy for you!
PLEASE let me know if there's anything I can do for you. I am just a few miles over here! Please let me help if there's anyway I can. I'd love to be a part of your recovery if you need me. You can call my cell (732)492-4143.
We will miss you at group tonight, but I will be praying for your headache to go away and a complete recovery of everything else that has been adjusted inside ya'!
(6 weeks from today is my surgery...)
(2 weeks til the cruise...)
You are so kind. Thank you for your thoughts and prayers. Today, Saturday, I am finally completely over the headache. I'm moving around. On Saturdays and Sundays I always made breakfasts of eggs, taylor ham and bagels so I'm missing that a little but I know it is worth it. Between the pre-surgery diet and surgery on Monday, I'm down 22 pounds. A pebble off a mountain but finally results.
I'm praying for you and your upcoming surgery. I hope you are not on the same cruise ship that just had all those problems. Being home all week I saw it over and over again!
Donna C.
I am so glad you are feeling better, headaches are so debilitating. Please let me know if you need anything. I won't be at the next Toms River meeting, we will be on the cruise, but I will make sure I am at the next Lakewood group-since it's the last one before my surgery. I think that's August 17'th. I hope to see you then and see you are doing GREAT! Take care and let me help if I can.
BTW-we are not on the cruise ship that had the "listing" incident last week... that was scary to read about 2 weeks before going on a cruise though. I would go even if it WERE the same ship though, I LOVE cruising and the chance of that happening twice in even one year is so small..... I am a gambling woman I guess
Either that OR desperate for VACATION!