$699 for support group meetings?
Hello Friends~
I got a call from a friend tonight that she met with Dr. Washington in Freehold recently about surgery, and she HAS to pay $699 for support group meetings before he will schedule her surgery? Is this right? I have never heard of paying for support group? I think I did hear people talking about it at the Toms River group, but don't remember the conclusion of the conversation.
Please help..... I have told her I don't think it's legitimate, but what is her option at this point? (I know the option of her choosing another doctor obviously, but I just want the "low down on the ho down" with the $699 support group....)
Michelle Brennan
I know of a bariatric group in Camden County that charges a fee for it's support group. Support group charges are not unheard of. It's how the docs get compensated for the time they spend at the meetings, and to suppliment what they get from insurance.
Personally I think it sucks and Thank G-D my group doesn't have a support group charge.
I know of a doc in Willingboro and Voorhees that does this. Until I went to a REAL hospital, in Center City/Philly, University of Penn, I found out, they don't charge you for support groups or anything like that, NOR DO THEY TRY TO SELL YOU NUTRITIONAL PRODUCTS!!! If a doctor has to advertise on the radio or try to sell you things, he's not in it because of his expertise, he's in it for the $ and that is a big turnoff.
thats horrible i think, i went to my ed seminar before i could goto my appt. anyway, i got there early and the surgeon himself was walking out into the hallway where i was waiting and he was like hi karen why dont u go in and sit with the support group.... main answer is that he didnt charge me anything
but for charging for group
I am a member of the "support group" meetings at Voorhees and you couldn't be more wrong about what is going on there. The program is called New Beginnings, it is not Dr. Manigat's program, though his patients, as well as any patient that has Gastric By-Pass at Virtua Hospital must participate. It is not just support, but a comprehensive pre/after care program. We have weekly meetings with a behavioralist and a dietitian. Two Nurse Care managers are also on hand to follow up each member, tracking our weightloss and making sure that we followup up with potential medical complications. They review lab results with us and help us make nutritional changes that support our success.
Members of New Beginnigs have excellent results, and people who have had surgery as many a four or five years ago still attend regularly. New Beginnings does cost money and is not covered by insurance. (About 1800)
New Beginnings does not sell anything except for diet logs, after you have used the first one which should last a year. They give you a huge Gastric By-Pass Nutrition Manual which has been updated twice in the three years I have been a member and I have not had to pay for updates.
Most support groups I hear about do not begin to offer this comprehensive level of care, but are actually groups that a doctor occassionally attends or does attend, they are often run by the doctor's staff who may or may not be qualified to offer accurrate information. Sometimes these programs are lead by an experienced patient, but no professionals. These groups have their place, but they cannot be construed as adequate aftercare.
Dietitians, behavioralists, (In our case a degreed psychologist) and two nurses cost money. And with their level of skill and what they give New Beginning clients is almost priceless.
The old adage, "you get what you pay for" is appropriate here. People who are being charged for support groups should find out just what they are getting for their money.
And for the record, Penn has an excellent surgical program, they are one of the best hospitals in the Nation, but they do not provide comprehensive aftercare. Its why I chose Virtua ( a real hospital in New Jersey) and my surgeon Gregory Mulkalian and his former partner Christopher Boynton.
Thank you for the "other side of the story" -- you bring up many valid points and observations about the Voorhees group.
Unfortunately, there are some surgeons charging for their support groups that don't offer any more than the most basic of normal support groups. That type of charge for that type of group is unfair, I believe.
I know of only a couple of surgeons that charge for their support group meetings and make it mandatory. Personally, I won't deal with them. Support groups are a necessary part of a WLS journey if you want to be successful -- There are certainly enough support groups that do not charge out there. I can understand a surgeon requiring documentation of a patient attending support groups, either his own or anothers, but do not think there should be a charge for them. Only my opinion.
Yup - Dr Manigat in Voorhees (aka-the butcher) and Dr Greenbaum in Willingboro - they have MANDATORY SUPPORT GROUP FEES - HAVE TO PAY UP FRONT BEFORE SURGERY!
That's a turn-off!
Anyone that's been down the research road of WLS, knows that it's a lifetime committment and many other components are a standard part. So I feel wholeheartedly that anything to do with the surgery, or a result of the surgery, should be included already in the whole package.
Bottom line - stay away from doctors who advertise - something's wrong with his practice if he needs to sell himself on the radio!
The bigger hospitals, teaching hospitals, they're the best.
I know all you Barix people will hate me for saying this, but I just felt like the Barix Clinics feel like a Jiffy Lube. Sorry!