Weigh Daily?
Lots of discussions in meetings and on the boards about how often we step on the scale. That's why this article was very interesting in this month's Prevention Magazine. It's entitled "10 Ways To Lose Weight and Keep it Off" - not WLS related.
Number one? Weigh yourself 1 time per day.
"Why it works: Weekly weigh-ins are a staple of many popular diet programs, but studies now show that daily weighing is the key to lasting loss. When researchers at the University of Minnesota monitored the scale habits of 1,800 dieting adults, they found that those who stepped on every day lost an average of 12 pounds over 2 years (weekly scale watchers only lost 6) and were less likely to regain lost weight. The reason? The more often you monitor your results, the quicker you can catch the behaviorial slip that causes weight gain."
The other nine:
2. Watch no more than 2 hours of TV a day
3. Get weight loss support from a friend or group 3 times per week (Like here!)
4. Eat 4 g of fiber in every meal or snack
5. Take 5,000 extra steps a day
6. Log it (food and exercise) 6 times a week
7. Sleep seven hours every night.
8. Drink 8 glasses of water a day
9. After a 9 hour day (lun*****luded) go home.
10. Shave 10 points off your glycemic load
Just sharing!
ok i failed the test
#1 -- i weigh myself once a week
#2 -- ball game is more than 2 hours
#3 -- my medication at the moment is my motivation -- every one here will help me stay course on my journey and succeed!!!
#4 -- lucky i can remember pills at this point -- forget fiber
#5 -- i can do that in work
went back to work today!! man i feel it -- and i don't who passed or failed the baby daddy test today on Maury
#6 -- log it?? hmmm if i remember i will
#7 -- 7 hours????? even with ambian (if it works that night) i get 4 hours!!
#8 -- big glasses?? little glasses?? ok 3 sports bottles i can handle
#9 -- a 9 hour day????? when i can start doing overtime again it will be back up to 18 hour days
i actually can't wait!!
#10 -- shave???? i can't even shave my legs at the moment!!
but i'll keep all this in mind
take care