i am back on track
Thanks for encouraging me to attend the meeting last night. I really enjoyed it. I looked for you when we got outside last night but I turned around and I couldn't see you in the crowd. Our car was still there so we did get home to Brick. I love your enthusiasm - I'm happy but getting a little nervous as the date gets closer.
It was so nice to finally put a "face to the name" as they say. It was nice to meet you and your husband at the meeting last night
I was not in the crowd that was outside, because my car was parked in the parking garage, so I headed in the opposite direction than you did. I am glad your car was still there!
Your surgery is coming so soon, I bet you will be glad when the day gets here, the next week may drag..... but in just 8 more days, you are on the beginning of your new life.
The support group also meets on July 20 @ Kimball Medical Center-if you are feeling up to going to a meeting at that point?
I will be praying for you on the 17'th, I just marked it on my calendar so I won't forget!

(Boy, this thread got seriously hi-jacked)
It's quite pleasing to have you back! (Who talks like that?)
Now, we just need make it so we all see your lovely smiling mug whenever we read your posts. You can send me an e-mail with your pic attached, and I'll get it all fixed-up for you.
BTW... Where'd you go so quickly on Saturday morning? I walked out of the Men's locker room after saying goodbye to Timmy, and there was no Deidre to be found!
That's Okay... I'l let it slide.