HEY ...I need help please..
with ideas,
with input,
with constructive things to put on our "web site"
No idea is too strange (hey remember this is Timmy Ray.. the reformed male type formerly-known-as Bigdude Gigantor-who is redneck to the core :P )
So feel free to think
in the box,
outta the box,
divergent concentric circles,
random trapezoids,
rumbus Rubrics,
or whatever rings your bell : ))
I have reserved the domain name:
www.ocwls.org which stands for
Ocean County Weight Loss Surgical.
once again for those folks in Rio Limba.... thats
The ending .org because we are not commercial (com) or a educational group (.edu) and as a support group with recognition by the Obesity Help folks, we just seemed like an org group to me.. "shrug".
Either way it was only 3 bucks to reserve the name for a year... if another name is better for our domain we can certainly change it.
My "vision" is to possibly have a page for the Toms River Group, and a page (or section, or link, or whatever) for the Lakewood group.
Other ideas that I have include the possiblity for people to submit information and pictures, for anyone that would like one to have their own "page", posted on the site and linked (so people can get there by clicking on a link off the main page)
Thoughts include..
before and after pictures?
Calendar of OCWLS Events and meeting times?
Directions to the support group sites?
Perhaps a BMI calculator?
Other information and referral sources?
Personal and family information?
and links to other personal pages (like obesity help pages, etc)?
THIS WEB SITE CONCEPT.. AND PARTICIPATION... IS VOLUNTARY not a manditory thingy, anyone wanting to participate can and is encouraged to do so : )
We have a lot of really talented folks here on the NJ board,
this new domain (web site) , this is not "my" web site, but OUR web site.
Capish? Comprende?? Das ist gut...nein? Ja? "ZONK !! Rut Roh... Raggy....
"sudden german I flashback"....
"Ohhh Du liber Augustine, Augustine... Augustineeeee".
..err.. oopse.....
" Du..du.. licht meir in hertzen.. du..du... licht meir in zin.."
.errr...BinK...whirrrr... zonk....
"Large Dogs... "landing on my face..."
"The Sturgeon General has determined that manditory requirements of one year of a foreign language during High school often results in the memory recall of two german drinking songs...and perhaps 4 phrases, total of German Language knowledge..... and as I was a straight D student of Deutch... hmmmm...
"Ahem" (quickly recomposing himself..)
Okay.. okay.. back to the matter at hand...
So, Peoples...
I need to know
what YOU think,
and what ideas YOU have,
and what things YOU would like to say, or have.
The FAQs Frequently Asked Quiz tions. as defined quizically
(No I cant spell) by moi...
"But Timmy, I dont know how to make a web site"
-Not a problem, we can have a variety of selections (say 3 or 4 different types) of variations of a common theme or color scheme, with people just giving me info (if they would like) and pictures, you would choose from the list one you like, and I (or another willing volunteer geek type person : )) .. we will construct the page for them
"Can I submit my own html code, or write my own page and have it posted?"
Absolutely. : )
"Can I post artwork, and pictures, and have links to other personal web sites on my page?"
-Absolutely, Yes. : )
"Do I need to know anything to have a page, or know how to make a web site?"
Nope, not at all, just answer a few basic questions about what you would like on YOUR page, and stuff and we will post whatever you wish (within reason : P )
"I dont have a scanner, but I would like to have some pictures put on my page"
Email one of us, or me, and we can scan and return pictures for you. Sending a SASE envelope would help too.. but it not an absolute : )
"I have a lot of ideas, for a calendar, or other things, are you open to trying different things on the web site?"
YES - this is OUR site, I welcome any ideas , input, artwork, prose, poetry, design concepts, internet suggestions.... etc etc etc.
"Okay, I want to submit stuff for my page, how do I go about it?"
- Email- is likely the most reliable
-US Mail, - another possiblity... its a system where they bring pieces of correspondence to us on a daily basis (except sunday).
-Attendance at the Toms River Meeting or the Lakewood meeting and slap me up side the head and hand your submitted material, simply hand it to one of us : )
"but Timmy I dont have a recent picture... but I would like to post one..can you help?"
Surely... just attend one of our support group meetings
(and maybe put on a clean shirt lol) and if you would like I will take your picture for you with my handy dandy redneck qualified Kodak Digital picture thingamajig.
"solemn Redneck nod" And dont call me Shirley : P
All you fellow happy loser peoples... please ... PLEASE... send in your ideas and concepts. ? Pretty please.. with sugar and cream and a cherry on top?
AJ - your busted man... I know you have design skills and artistic talent so.... tell me what you think.? Keep me honest here.... in my design morass ?
Attencion.. all ye Barristers !
Youse is needed!
A happily worded disclaimer just for fun would be accepted from any of you cheerful "occifers of da court" (nudge... hint... hint).
AKA as purveyors of Jurisprudence?
Counselors of record?
Admitted to the Bar types?
Everyone...Please bring your ideas if you have some, information, pictures, or other info or suggestions to the Toms River meeting tonight.
Or to the lakewood meeting on July 20th @ 7pm.
the web site ( the domain with a basic temporary starter page on it for now)
Have a super day, I hope to see lots of you folks at the meeting tonight !
God Bless thee and keep ye
Timmy Ray
I wish to acknowledge my long suffering wife, Sandi J , who has wonderfully and thankfully put up with my corny caycus for just over a year now... she smiles at my jokes, tries to breathe despite my repeated bean consuming ways, and in general is a forgiving and loving soul.
At some times in this life we find true gems, jewels in our existence that justify and embrace our being, and that fortify and sustain us during the rough times. Such a precious gem is my bride, Sandi.
I dont deserve her, but I am grateful to have her, and to be able to enjoy her unflagging and enthusiastic support, encouragement, consistent and cheerful love, and patience with me. I am a certifiable nutty redneck, in whom there exists traits of sporadic co dependency and possible lunacy : P
Through all this ... She still loves me.
Go figure eh? I love you
Sandi J...
here is to another 99 years together : P