Just Starting Out
Hi everyone,
Im new here and am just starting my journey on this road. I have taken the 1st step and made my 1st appt that is on july 26th. I think I am leaning towards the lap band and I am considering 2 surgeons at this point, Dr. Borao & Dr. Nusbaum. Any information would be greatly appreciated. Good luck to everyone on your journey!
I was the same when I went into my dr, about the lapband also, but then he talked to me and he didn't recommend the lapband because it hasn't been around as long as RNY so he was telling me everything about it and I have decided to have RNY and my surgery is on the 20th, good luck and you can only make the right choice
Hi Becky,
Thanks for the information, there is so much to learn about these procedures. Have you ever heard of either of the Dr's I mentioned? You must be so excited about your surgery. What hospital are you having it done at? How long did it take from your 1st consultation till your surgery date & was the insurance approval hard to get? I know im throwing a million questions at you, it's just so overwhelming. Please keep me posted on how you do.
Hi, Denise!
I am having my RNY surgery performed on August 1st with Dr. Nusbaum. I can highly recommend what I know of him and the office so far. Everyone was so nice and so helpful (even fitting me in when I got lost getting to the office and was an hour late for my appointment!). I went in wanting to discuss the lap band, but after talking to the doctor, I decided the RNY was the way for me to go. He was good at answering all of my questions and explaining the different procedures. I also really liked some of the things he said, which I had not heard from other doctors.
Good luck in making your decision

Hi Anna,
Thank you for your very helpful information. What exactly is the RNY? How is the recovery different from the band. I have so many questions, but I have been redaing that many ppl change their mind from lapband to RNY after meeting with their dr's. How long was the wait time for Dr Nusbaum
Thanks again & good luck to you, you must be so excited.
I had bypass with Dr. Borao on May 30th. He came highly recommended by my OBGYN and is the best in the area. I know that many drs aren't board certified bariatric surgeons, just ceritfied surgeons but Dr. Borao is. He works with a full team, including a psychologist, nutrtionist and program consultant. I would highly recommend him!!!
Congratulations to you! How are you feeling? How long was the process from start to finish? Im so happy to hear that you were happy with him and he came highly recommended. I have my 1st appt with him on 7/26 and also all the other team members that you have listed above. Thank you for your very helpful info, and good luck to you!
Hello Denise~
Welcome to the family here.
As far as which surgery you will choose in the end, I can't help you with that, it's such an individual decision-that you need to choose and have peace with. I never considered the lap band, because it has to be filled, and that doesn't sit well with me. I wanted something permanent, something that I could never change my mind about or get discouraged with and not follow up with the care taking. It's a personal decision. I learned a lot at the surgeons informational meeting at Hackensack University Medical Center, I am using Dr. Trivedi with Lap Associates. There are so many good Doctors out there, I rarely read bad things about doctors on these boards.
To help with your decision and to meet others who have had the surgery, maybe you would want to come out to a support group this coming Friday night? It's at Community Medical Center in Toms River, from 7-9pm, in Auditorium "A".
God bless you in this journey, it takes a lot to get through all the steps, but it's worth it in the end. As far as a time frame, I first asked my primary care about referring me for surgery on April 26 (my 41'st birthday) and I got approved on June 28 (my sons 15'th birthday). I went to all of my appointments, nutritionist, psychiatrist and support groups as soon as possible, so the process went pretty fast from what I have read. I could have had surgery scheduled on July 27, but we are going on a cruise, so I have a date of August 31'st right now. So-if it weren't for the conflict with the dates for me, I could have had it all done-start to finish-in 3 months. That's not bad. Keep on keeping on and God bless you!
Michelle Brennan
Brick NJ