I think the Doctor you are referring to is Dr. Trivedi. He is with Lap Associates, the one that AJ referenced above, you can see their website at that link he gave. There are two sisters at that Toms River support group that had surgery with him (one just 6 weeks ago now), and he is scheduled to do mine July 27'th. I have only heard good things about him. I feel at peace choosing him, and that is important. You will have to sign up for their general information meeting in order to meet him, the group won't see a new patient until they have completed that original seminar, it's 90 minutes and free.... great information, about all the different choices we have in surgery. All 3 doctors are there, they each do a part of the presentation, and the nurse is there, she had surgery a few years ago.
Hope that helps
Michelle in Brick

I see by your name that is says your doctor is Dr. George Ferzli! Why are you looking at other doctors? Dr. Ferzli (who performed my surgery) has an excellent reputation and surely must have his hands insured, for his skills are impeccable!!!
I actually did not particularly like him when I met him (seemed so stand-offish). He didn't seem to have any bedside manner. But GIVE ME CAPABLE AND EXPERIENCED HANDS OVER A "NICE GUY" ANYTIME!!!
In the operating room, he came through as shined as a person as well as a surgeon (and afterwards too). And, at the follow up visit, he actually hugged me!!!
I was so shocked that when he came towards me I backed up
not knowing what he was going to do!! He has been in New York Magazine's THE BEST DOCTORS IN NEW YORK for about 8 years in a row. Why are you considering other doctors?
Hugs, June

i did have the consult with them and the office is beautiful. but right now i am a single mom raising two children and i have a full time job and a very busy daughter who is in need i say her terrible twos. so i need someone good and close. i wanna get this movin cause i wanna be a hottie when my hubby comes home