Who is Pre Surgery?
Hi gang
Please if your pre surgery could you raise your hand? Especially if you would like an angel.?
I put out an "all call" for angels, and now suddenly I have more angels than folks to refer them too. Oy veh oy veh... methinks I try too hard to be a mench sometimes.
Oh well... its feast or famine.
I have two ladies right now that have called me and would like to encourage someone pre surgery so please step right up... no waiting on register 8, blue light angel special !!
Have a super day
Timmy Ray
Hey Timmy Ray~
I am pre op. I have surgery scheduled for July 27
I won't be having it then because we are going on a cruise the following week. I will have surgery post poned until after we come back, sometime after August 8.
I don't think that I need an angel, I have a wonderful support system at home and at the support group meetings in Toms River and Lakewood
Maybe what I will do is get someone's phone number at the next meeting in July, just in case I have an important question? I will think about it.
Thanks for offering, and thanks to the lovely ladies that are offering thier support!
Michelle Brennan