STILL Looking for Support in my area and having no luck
Hello Everyone,
Just thought I would throw out there that I am still looking for a support group close to my area. I am no longer with a car so getting to a toms river or further location is just not possible.
I really need and want to get to a meeting and hopefully meet some great people. I am so tired of being stuck in this house staring at my four walls while my DF is either working or sleeping.
Much Love & Understanding
You are about 1/2 hour from us. I am signed under my dear BF's profile as I am on his puter
We have not yet gone to a support group but will be attending starting this coming Thursday the 29th. His surgery was with Dr. Bertha and the meeting is in Basking Ridge at the Olde Mill Inn. Let me know if you are interested and maybe we could work something out. I would be happy to take you if you would like. email him...or rather maybe me .... Melissa W. and we will see what we can work out. The support group is supposed to be really great and I am looking forward to it. I will have my surgery in the early months of 2007 but he is almost 3 weeks post op so we are tackling this journey together. Let me know....... Melissa
ps. You may need to copy and paste my profile as it does not seem to want to underline the whole thing.

Hi Kimberly
I would be happy to come pick you up and give you a ride to the two meetings I go to, provided that you are okay with possibly (we never know until the last minute) meeting for coffee afterwards as a group? If you would be able to chip in a little for gas would be great but not manditory : P
I think you fit with our group great, and as one of the people who helped start the Lakewood group I would really like to see you there, not to mention the Toms River group.
This would mean I would pick you up (if your interested) about 530pm for the Thursday group, and 5pm for the friday group (traffic is worse on fridays). Both groups meet at 7pm in Toms River and Lakewood, respectively.
We tend to meet until 9pm or so, and coffee is whenever you want to depart, a few times its lasted a good long while with people visiting and such : )
Let me know? Jennifer D. comes down from that direction often to the meetings, so maybe we could carpool or something. Either way I promise to see that you get to a meeting provided its acceptable to you?
Have a super day
Timmy Ray
Hi Kimberly,
I live in Garfield, and I had my surgery in the Bronx two years ago. I used to have another id and profile but I can't access it to update for some reason. I go to a supprot group meeting every two weeks down in the Bronx and I know that there is another one in Teaneck, NJ (but I'm not sure when the nextone is there). If you wanna talk you can email me anytime at [email protected] and I will give you my phone number. I know sometimes it can be CRAZY trying to deal with all of these wls related issues and it can sometimes be isolating too! Hope you are well! Yvonne
Hi. I saw your post and just wanted to say that if you know your old profile name/id, send it to [email protected] and we'll attempt to help you get access to your old profile.
Best wishes,
OH Staff
Hi Kimberly
I hope your doing okay? I feel I may have scared you off by offering :/ to help with transportation. The offer is still good, and I am asking around if there is possibly a lady or two that comes down from that direction I will try to hook you up with them.
Either way your very welcome, and I hope I didnt give offense? I am a christian guy and I didnt mean any harm, my wife tells me sometimes I am too enthusiastic and people dont know what to make of me. So.. if I did give offense, my heartfelt apologies.
If you do need a ride let me know? I am flexible if you let me know before 3pm today... we meet tonight at Toms River at 7pm, I would need to figure out where to meet you and leave by 330pm or so, to pick you up by five pm, to make sure we would arrive by 7pm.
Anyway.. I wont pester you.., I hope your doing okay, and you are in our prayers.
Have a super day
God Bless
Timmy Ray
Hello Timmy Ray,
I am so sorry I havent been on much. And no I didn't take offense at all. I am very grateful for your offer. Unfortunately, my fiance's daughter is arriving today from Canada.. and we will have her six weeks. Which will not allow me to come, at least for that time. My fiance works nights. So I will be caring for a 4 year old at night.
Thank you so much for your offer. I really wish I could go. But now with her coming its impossible.
Much Love