possible surgery date
hey everyone
i spoke to dr noyans office today and if all the paperwork gets done ( i hate paperwork) i may have my surgery the last week in July. Im excited but nervous.
i keep on going thru all the what ifs. and they can make you crazy. i know i need to take one day at a time here, that is always the best.
good luck to anyone having their surgery soon, and i hope to talk to some of you soon.
hi; good luck and I hope all goes well. I have my surgery scheduled for next Monday and I too am nervous. I was denied at first but appealed
their decision and now have it schduled
for Monday.
I was having a lot of doubt and fear too and still am to some extent.
but I think that is normal. I think this surgery is a blessing and all is will go well.
Keep in touch

Hi Jenn
Im chest deep in Angels with no Pre Ops to pair em with.
a- do you have an angel
b- do you want one?
c- if so do you wish me to forward to you the email and phone number of one of the ladies who actively wishes to be an encouraging angel ?
Let me know, and keep us updated as to how you are as your surgery gets closer
God bless
Timmy Ray
Have you heard from Jennifer D? I tried to call her but no answer... I hope she is doing okay. Dropping off the edge of the earth is simply NOT allowed in this group.... if you talk to her tell her I said "Timmy Says he KNOWS where you live and expects you to come share with us so he doesnt have to haunt you : P
Seriously Im worried about her.. hoping you will give her a jingle if you get a chance? Pretty Please? Pretty please with sugar and cream and sugar free chocolate goodies?
I will try to call her again soon, but it went to voicemail and she doesnt have her mailbox set up so I am not sure if she even knows I called?
*solemnly concerned Timoteo