How Jersey are YOU ?
Hey all here is a quiz for you natives, I did horrible but then.. Im not a native. : P
However I do say the correct syntax for Pop. Its P-o-p... NOT soda.
So there.
Now that I am quietly penitent for my error in bashing lawyers, I will try to behave.
*nod* Really
(serious Timmy Nod)
Take this quiz, see how Jersey YOU are : )))
I got this off the web, I *did* not write this, for the location or to take this and be graded, please go to the end : )
Have a super day
Timmy Ray
How New Jersey Are You?
New Jersey is an interesting state. We get a bad rap, mostly due to the Newark-Elizabeth area with the container port and oil refinery. But real New Jerseyans know that our state is more than that small stretch of turnpike. We're proud to be New Jersey!
So how New Jersey are YOU? It isn't easy to be New Jersey if you aren't from here. But I suppose it's possible. Go ahead and take this quiz, and see just how Jersey you are.
1. What is your age?
Under 18 Years Old
18 to 24 Years Old
25 to 30 Years Old
31 to 40 Years Old
41 to 50 Years Old
51 to 60 Years Old
Over 60 Years Old
2. What is your gender?
3. New Jersey is also known as what?
The Keystone State
The Garden State
The Pollution State
The Empire State
4. How many issues of Weird New Jersey have you read?
One or two
Between three and ten
More than ten
5. Have you ever eaten taylor ham with cheese on a hard roll?
6. Have you ever found yourself at a diner at one o'clock in the morning?
7. In the summer, do you "go down the shore"?
8. Does summer for you begin on Memorial Day weekend and end on Labor Day?
9. Have you been to places featured in HBO's The Sopranos?
10. The PNC Bank Arts Center was once named what?
Garden State Arts Center
Madison Square Garden
11. Do you have fond childhood memories of the boardwalk?
12. Who of the following is not from New Jersey?
Frank Sinatra
Jon Bon Jovi
Bruce Springsteen
Bob Dylan
13. Are you Italian or do you have very Italian friends?
14. Do you remember Action Park?
Yes, and something wasn't quite right about it
15. Do you think that New Jerseyans have a weird accent that results in them pronouncing it "Joyzee"?
I don't know
16. Do you feel both offended and proud when Hollywood mocks New Jerseyans?
17. Does it bother you that New Jersey sports teams are refered to as New York teams?
18. Can you drive for five minutes without going past a mall?
19. Do you know how to pump your own gas?
20. Do you know which color the Empire State Building is lit up as this week?
21. Do you suspect the neighbor down the street is in the mafia?
22. Do you live within ten minutes of three different highways?
23. Have you ever stopped at a Pennsylvania fireworks stand to get some fireworks?
24. Do you know where to get the dollar slice of pizza on the boardwalk?
25. Do you enjoy all four seasons?
26. Have you been to Midgetville?
27. Is getting stuck in traffic just a way of life for you?
28. Are all your TV and radio stations based in a neighboring state?
29. Have you "watched the tram car"?
30. Do you know where to get some good bagels, good sushi or good Indian curry?
31. Do you call it "miniature golf" and know a good place to play?
32. Have you gone into New York City by boat, bus, car, and train at some point?
33. Have you gotten out of traffic tickets just by showing up at court and talking to the prosecutor?
34. "You guys" vs. "ya'll" - Which would you say:
You guys want to see a movie?
Ya'll want to see a movie?
35. Would you laugh if someone says "pop" instead of "soda"?
With thanks to my lovely wife, who found the quiz and emailed it to me.
If you would like to take the quiz and get it graded, and see how you do, then go to
paste the following into your browser:
Originally from Boston -- came to S. Jersey on 9/20/02
#1 - 41-50
#2 - Female
#3 - The Garden State (i know all about the Evil Empire State)
#4 - 3-10 all online
#5 - what the hell is it????
#6 - yes - and at other god awful times when i lived in mass ;)
#7 - yes - but only for day trips and i still call it a beach
#8 - nope -- summer starts today and ends in sept after school starts
#9 - don't think so -- don'****ch the sopranos
#10 - no clue
#11 - nope
#12 - i think sinatra
#13 - not italian but had some very interesting italian friends in boston
#14 - nope
#15 - yup and they say "on, off, and coffee" with a little something in the 'o'
#16 - don't care -- it's hollywood, they don't live in the real world anyways
#17 - ya that's kinda stupid
#18 - nope
#19 - yes i do
pumped my own gas for years -- this is a luxury down here
#20 - nope (what awareness week/month is it???)
#21 - nah not here - in boston he was
#22 - yup
#23 - nah -- never believed in doing our own -- always went to the show
#24 - nope
#25 - YES!!! out in the sun, on the couch in the snow
#26 - net yet (but i did see it in Weird NJ)
#27 - doesn't phase me -- ross has a different attitude on that!!
#28 - no 101.5
#29 - yes
#30 - nope
#31 - yes i call it miniature golf and i haven't played it here in jersey yet
#32 - yes
#33 - nah
#34 - hey, we are going to the movies, you coming??
#35 - NO -- so don't laugh when i say TONIC
that was long timmy -- it's too early to be thinking

According to this quiz - I am very Jersey - Born and raised in North Jersery, went to college and currently live in South Jersey.
Here's another question to test your Jersey-ness:
Do you call the amusement park in Jackson:
Six Flags, or Great Adventure?
If you refer to it as Great Adventure, then you are truely from NJ!
1. 25 to 30 Years Old
2. What is your gender?
3. New Jersey is also known as what?
The Garden State
4. How many issues of Weird New Jersey have you read?
Between three and ten
5. Have you ever eaten taylor ham with cheese on a hard roll?
No-I grew up in PA, I call it Pork Roll.
6. Have you ever found yourself at a diner at one o'clock in the morning?
7. In the summer, do you "go down the shore"?
8. Does summer for you begin on Memorial Day weekend and end on Labor Day?
9. Have you been to places featured in HBO's The Sopranos?
10. The PNC Bank Arts Center was once named what?
No clue
11. Do you have fond childhood memories of the boardwalk?
12. Who of the following is not from New Jersey?
Bob Dylan
13. Are you Italian or do you have very Italian friends?
14. Do you remember Action Park?
15. Do you think that New Jerseyans have a weird accent that results in them pronouncing it "Joyzee"?
16. Do you feel both offended and proud when Hollywood mocks New Jerseyans?
17. Does it bother you that New Jersey sports teams are refered to as New York teams?
18. Can you drive for five minutes without going past a mall?
No -in fact, I don't go past, I go IN!
19. Do you know how to pump your own gas?
20. Do you know which color the Empire State Building is lit up as this week?
21. Do you suspect the neighbor down the street is in the mafia?
22. Do you live within ten minutes of three different highways?
23. Have you ever stopped at a Pennsylvania fireworks stand to get some fireworks?
24. Do you know where to get the dollar slice of pizza on the boardwalk?
25. Do you enjoy all four seasons?
26. Have you been to Midgetville?
27. Is getting stuck in traffic just a way of life for you?
28. Are all your TV and radio stations based in a neighboring state?
29. Have you "watched the tram car"?
30. Do you know where to get some good bagels, good sushi or good Indian curry?
31. Do you call it "miniature golf" and know a good place to play?
32. Have you gone into New York City by boat, bus, car, and train at some point?
33. Have you gotten out of traffic tickets just by showing up at court and talking to the prosecutor?
34. "You guys" vs. "ya'll" - Which would you say:
You guys want to see a movie?
35. Would you laugh if someone says "pop" instead of "soda"?
Thanks man, you dont know how much I appreciate that : ) I will splain it all Ricky (aka from I love Lucy.. what can I say I technically am in the tail end of the baby boomer generation lol)..
Like I said I will splain it all in good time I promise
I hope your enjoying the sunshine, hopefully it wont rain, forecast is iffy.. 50 50 last I heard.
Hang loose guy
Talk to you soon
Timmy Ray
Well I have to say I am 100% Jersey.. I took the quiz and I scored 100%.
But of course I knew I would. No doubt this Jersey born and bred girl would score 100.
The only question they missed was if you know how to negotiate driving thru a circle.
Well Jersey Rock's we are the best and we really don't want to let others know that because then they will all want to be here and we'll suffer from overcrowding. Although since we are all dropping major tonage...we could allow a few more people in on our secrets I guess.
If you have never had Taylor Ham god bless you prior to surgery at least twice a week and pizza at least the same. Now I think Taylor Ham might kill me.. but boy it was good as I remember.
Boardwalk-pizza is ok.. but the sausage and peppers were the best.. that would probably kill me now too.
2 o'clock in the dinner eating fries with gravy or cheesecake. Oh those were the days...
Oh the other question they should have asked was what was the original name of the Continental Arena..Meadowlands... Brendan Burn.. anyone else remember that.. I was there the night it opened with Bruce... screamming out my lungs.
If you can't relate to the Soprano's in some way you probably are not really Jersey.
God bless..
on my way down the shore.
Donna 100% Jersey and proud of it.

When your waiting outside a movie theater... you are standing IN line.. not ONLINE !!
Online is when you sit in front of a computer and enter the internet or send receive email.
"Honey Im going to go wait In Line... not.. "honey Im going to go wait ONLINE"
Jersey people rock but in two small ways they drive me bat poopy.
That one.. and
Its POP not "soda". sheesh
"shakes his head and grins"
Mazel Tov everyone
Timmy Ray