guess what!!!!
Hey Michelle Michelle !!
It occurred to me that since you and Rebecca have surgery dates a week apart next month you might wanna be surgery buddies or something, just a errant thought from the resident redneck.
If so .. I encourage you to drop her a email, just click on the email tab on one of her posts, you can reach her that way. If not, no sweat... sorry for being so pushy and forward : P (but I know you will forgive me,;... right??
Solemn Timmy Grin
God Bless
Timmy Ray
Hi Rebecca
You never responded about an angel? I promise Im not a weirdo, just wierd. :P
I am not offended if you would rather have a female as your angel, that makes perfect sense. I was an angel for a gal last year, and everything went super, she did well pre surgery and I phoned the hospital to check on her, (sure enough she had added me to her phone list : P ) but
HELLO.. her husband answered and you could hear in his voice "who in the hell 0 is Timmy Ray? And why is he calling my wife?
So.. my career as an angel was interrupted at that point, but there are literally tens of ladies that attend our two support groups that I can get you the number of one if you would like?
Let me know, having an angel or surgery buddy to chat with by email or phone is especially important the closer you get to surgery. I wont bug you.. this is the last time I will mention it but please do let me or one of us here on the board know if you still would like to be connected with an angel?
Have a super day
Timmy Ray
Hello Rebecca !
A lady emailed me about being your angel for surgery. I am sending the information to you from the board here in an email, including her email address. For privacy, I am doing it this way, I never share folks information openly unless they say its okay.
Please contact her if you would via the email address in the other email I am sending, or you may telephone her if you wish she said she is open to that, and her cell number is also in the email.
Have a super day
Hugs to both you ladies
Timmy Ray