Update on Eddie Weedo from Paramus
Hello All Eddie
Weedo from Paramus NJ had his surgerry this week. I spoke to him via email and his surgery went very well. He says he is having No pain, (except when they removed the drain) he said that it hurt a bit, but after that he said it was "smooth sailing".
He said he when he woke up in the recovery room he asked if he had surgery yet because he felt no pain lol.
Bless his heart lol
Hi Michelle!
Welcome to the board! Yeah I know you have likely been around for a while (I used to be around more, trying to post more again hehehe)...
I noticed your in Brick. I live in Jackson, and I have met several new people but I am very bad with names...so if you have already visited or attended one of our support groups, my bad, (and my apologies).
If NOT.. why.. let me be the first to "invite ya : ). Next month (July) we are meeting:
Friday July 7th at 7pm Community Hospital Route 37,. Toms River
Thursday July 20th at 7pm Center for Healthy Living (by Kimball Medical Center) in
Lakewood, NJ
We have an active, fun group of people who have had the surgery, and a few folks such as yourself that either are scheduled to have the surgery soon, or are just learning and checking out whether to have the surgery.
Your not alone in this journey, you have a lot of (perhaps undiscovered ) friends out here ... so if you havent came to one of our groups.... Please give it some thought?
You would be very welcome and appreciated... I think you would enjoy our group : )
Have a great day
Timmy Ray
Hey Timmy~
I was at the support group meeting last Thursday night, I came in late. It was my sons graduation the same night. I am the lady who was asking everyone's opinion about having surgery on July 27 and then going on a cruise exactly one week later.... remember me? lol....
See you July 7 at Community

Hi Michelle
Yes I certainly remember you : ) Sorry about not putting the face with the name sooner, I struggle with faces and names : / It was good to see you at the meeting, I was encouraged at our numbers, for a new (or newer) night and meeting time we have had pretty consistent numbers of 11-15, which is very respectable.
Congratulations on your Sons Graduation, you must be very proud : )
Hang in There
God Bless
Timmy Ray