3-Year WLS Anniversary - Musings
Long post, but today is my 3 year WLS Anniversary or re-birthday! So many changes in my life over these last three years that reflections or musings are in order:
Starting weight: 340
Current weight: 160
Although I reached my surgeon's goal of 156 (for about three months), I never did reach my personal goal of 150 - in order to be deemed "Normal" and not overweight according to the BMI charts. However, even if I never lost another pound I am very happy with my weight loss and progress on this incredible journey.
Things to be grateful for:
? No longer having Type II diabetes
? No longer having weight-based asthma, or stress incontinence
? No longer having sleep apnea, and snoring so loud I disturb others
? Having energy to spare, and the stamina to go hiking, boating, jet-skiing, and anything else I want to try.
? Having my cholesterol drop below the 200 mark for the first time since I was a teenager!
? The thrill of shopping for clothes (and shoes!), wearing a size "8" (single digits!) - being able to wear a shirt tucked into my pants and a belt!
? Wanting to "strut" at times, and feel sexy doing so!
? Finally completing all my plastic surgeries and now being a shapely 39, 30, 39 - va, va, voom....
I can't NOT mention the loss of my beloved husband, Chuck, two years ago, and although his death was expected, the unbelievable grief his loss caused - but having the positive aspects of WLS to focus on, helped me cope. Feeling and looking better than I had in over 20 years, I was able to start socializing again with confidence.
Now, for the next chapter of my life - getting married again next Saturday to another wonderful man - one who cared for me and nursed me through all my plastic surgeries, and supported me every step of the way. He never knew me as an obese woman, and may never fully understand where I've been, but he fully accepts me and knows that this will always be a part of my life.
And finally, the friends that I have met both in my local support groups, as well as here thru OH. If I tried to mention you all, I would certainly leave someone out, but I value you guys as part of my life and am grateful I get to share a small part of it with you.
I am a very LUCKY woman -
Hugs to all on this incredible journey.
RNY 6/16/03
Now, THAT'S the kind of post I'm talkin' about!
I'm always amazed (and grateful) that you can share the little, personal details of your "incredible journey" as well as the broader, more common ones. Thanks so much for all the help, advice, love & support that you give to everyone. The WLS community needs people like you (as well as Jack, Timmy, and a host of others) that have the desire, talent, and energy to organize meetings, dispense wisdom and sometimes, even walk others through the process, step by step.
So, I say, you deserve to take time today to reflect upon and enjoy all that you've accomplished over the past 3 years.
Okay, enough sappy, mushy stuff - Get out there tonight and strut all you want!
Here's to decades more of happy healthy anniversaries,
Thanks AJ - I'm just a "well rounded gal." LOL
it's a well known fact, but my "work" with the OCWLS support group probably does ME more good than anyone I MAY happen to help along the way!
Any more of that mushy stuff and your "bad boy" image will be shot to hell -- those of us who know you, know that you have a heart of gold!
And, you know that I plan to shake my booty all over the place tonight!
Thanls for the good wishes.
congrats Nanette
you have been an inspiration to me ever since i joined OH -- your profile is just beautiful and written with such emotion
i enjoy your postings and your positive attitude about life
you truly are a wonderful person and i wish you the best of the best on your wedding day

Yo Nannette !
Good job, and godspeed as you ring in many more anniversaries : ) Congratulations, and thanks for your help in all that you do for the OCWLS group. (gee with a acronym like that we need a secret handshake..or maybe a decoder ring.. or at least a...
Have a super day
Timmy Ray : )

Thanks so much for posting, and sharing your story with us. You have encouraged a lot of people, including myself. I am 2 weeks post op, and doing great, but I still worry that I will miss enjoying food the way I used to. I kind of do miss it, but I also am looking forward to the future when it won't mean so much to me, and I'll have increased energy, and an increased enjoyment of life.
It's really kind of you to come on and post of your experience over the 3 years since you've had the surgery. Not many people would be so thoughtful. These stories really inspire me, and give me hope. Thanks again!