Prayers Needed...
Becky , Can you post this for me on the boards please . Thanks !
For those that do not know our brother in WLS - Bill Walker ( WillBThin ) has had a set back from complications from his RNY last week . Will has developed a Septic Infection. He is in Critical Condition at St. Mary's Hospital here in Richmond VA . His wife Stephanie is by his side .
He is currently on life support and a kidney machine . His fever is being controlled with antibiotics and a cooling blanket .
If you would like to send cards to Will and Stephanie ,I ask that you send them to me . I am putting together a basket of things for them and will include all of your cards .
I am so thankful for those that have reached out and prayed for all concerned . Please Please continue to do so .
I have attached his profile link to his support page , if you have not stopped by please do so and let him know you are thinking of him .
Send all cards to :
Natalie Carden
c/o Will Walker
621 Pinehurst Ave
Colonial Heights Va , 23834
Many Many thanks to you all here at OH ..
TINKERBELL ~~'s Email Address:
Please let Will and everyone else that loves him and is praying for him, that the prayers for his recovery have started here in NJ. I pray that God gives him and his wife peace beyond understanding and grace in this very difficult time.
"for God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power, and love and of sound mind"
Michelle Brennan