Aetna approves the banding!!!!
I just met Dr. Fares for the 1st time. He was real nice.
I prevoiusly met with Dr. JB. Anyway, I was told by both Dr. JB and John that I would be a great canidate for the banding but Aetna did not cover that, so I was to have the bypass. Well today, Dr. Fares told me that he and other doctors had a huge meeting w/ Aetna to discuss covering the banding and as of March 1st, they do.
So that is what I will be getting if I am approved.
I have read up on all the info for the bypass, but now am having trouble finding good info on the banding. Does anyone have any good sites about the banding?? Also, is most of the postings here about the bypass?????

hi BC
congrats on the ruling for the lap band -- most of the postings are about RNY as that is the type of surgery most approved by insurance -- you can post anything here
don't be shy or feel like this is 'topic specific' there is a great bunch of people here who can help you in your journey

Congratulations ! Thats super ! Aetna can be a pain, you will be a trendsetter sounds like !! A lot of the issues with banding is similar to the bypass... and there are some banders that attend our support group..but yeah most folks have had the bypass. And while similar there are certainly issues unique only to lap banding.
I would suggest visiting some different boards on here.. on Obesity help.. and ask in a post.. "any lap banders around ? That would likely work. Go to the Main Messageboard, and also the Singles Board... (I know there are lap banders on both) and also post *here on the NJ board a "hey anyone that has had the lap band surgery or who is getting ready to have that type surgery?
Godspeed.. have a super day !!
Timmy Ray