Problem with scheduling O.R. @ Hackensack Univ. Hospital?
Hello Donna~
You are from Brick too! Where are you? I am in Lake Riviera. We have been here for 14 years. We moved from Wall a few years after we were married. I have 2 children at Brick High and 1 in Lake Riviera Middle School.
I don't have approval from my insurance company yet, but the surgeon did give me a date of July 27 for surgery. I am just waiting on the insurance company now.....
Keep me posted on your progress with the insurance company and getting a date. Have you been to any support groups yet? I have been attending one at Community Medical Center and there is another at Kimball Medical Center this coming Thursday night. If you need more details, let me know. The meetings are great!
I'm in Sutton Village off of Sally Ike Road (Herbertsville). My children are gown and my youngest son and his family and my daughter and her family live in Toms River. My older son and his family live in the Woodbridge area. When I started this weightloos surgery I said I had 7 reasons for wanting to get healthier, my 7 grandchildren but since I started I know have and 8th reason. My oldest son and his wife are expecting a baby in January - that makes 8! I'm 52 years old and tired of being intimadated by my weight. I have not been to any support groups as yet. When is the next one?
I know where Sutton Village is, I have friends who live there. Such a small world.
The support group this Thursday night at at Kimball Medical Center, it's not actually in the hospital, it's in a building called Center For Healthy Living, which I understand is right next to the hospital. I haven't been to this Kimball support group yet, but I am told that it's the same people who go to the Community Medical Center group, which I have been to, and love! The meeting is from 7-9pm. I won't be there, my son is graduating 8'th grade the same night at the same time! BUT---I WILL be at the July 7'th meeting at Community, 7-9pm in Auditorium "A". If you want to drive together, we can meet at the A&P parking lot and I can drive us there? You can leave your car there and then I can drop you off afterwards? It's a great group of people!
Let me know

Hello Donna~
Hmmmm, what made me decide to do this? I have to think about that. There are so many things that made me decide. I have been overweight for 14 years, I have tried every diet known to man, I want to see my children's children and I have watched a few friends go through the surgery. All of my friends have been successful
I have seen them get new lives, be able to do what we used to do before the weight... and none of them regret getting the surgery. I want a chance at being healthy again. I am sick and tired of being sick and tired.
I am so excited that you got a date already, that is excellent news, and approved by your insurance company too! You are on your way.
I am going to Hackensack University Medical Center for my pre surgery support group/baratric teaching class tomorrow. This is part of my requirement with BCBSNJ, a letter from a support group, so I am making the trip tomorrow afternoon. The class is from 6:30-8:00pm. It should be very informative. I would invite you to go, but I will be working in Armonk NY tomorrow and will be going from there.
What made you decide to do this?

I used to commute 55 miles each way to work everyday for 10 years. I worked for Prudential HealthCare in Metropark and then when we were sold to Aetna I went to work for a Recruiter we used. One of the bosses I had at Pru HealthCare came to work at AIG in Neptune 3 years ago and called and asked if I wanted to work closer to home and I jumped at the chance. Anyway, I decided to do this because the last 20 years I have lost and gained so much weight on so many diets and I'm on so much medication for diabetes, GERD, hypertension, aches, pains and what not that the copays alone are equal to a couple of car payments. What happens when I want to retire 20 years from now, how will I pay for these meds, also will I even be here in 20 years at the rate I'm going. I have 7 grandchildren and one on the way that I want to see get married have children someday. I want to live to retire and sit by the pool instead of working sun up to sun down. I don't want my boss to ask me to lunch and then say, "will you fit in my car?" because he is driving a 2 seater Porsche and he doesn't want big fat me to break his precious car. My children beg me to stop killing myself so I can be around for a long time. I finally decided I want to do something about it. I've done a lot of investigating and like you everyone I talk to never regrets having the surgery.
I want to feel better, look better and live longer!