I am Michelle, from Brick, I just registerd on the site a few minutes ago. Where is the meeting? I would love to meet some people that know about the surgery. You can call my cell at 732-492-4143. I will be taking my daughter to a sweet 16 party at The Old Time Tavern in T/R in just a few minutes. I'd love to meet you all! Call me if there is room for me. I haven't had surgery yet, I see Dr. Trivedi this coming Tuesday and hope to get a surgery date then!
hey michelle,
sorry i took so long to get back to u. i am from roselle nj and i left early to attend the group. it was my first time it was great..... i am so excited i cant wait till next month. anyway, its at the community medical center 99 route 37 in toms river. the group meets the first friday of every month from 7-9... we were in aud.a tonight. there were about 20-30 of us most post op but me and one other. pre op... it would be great if u could come. always look out for nanette on the board she is awesome and is all up on the group... take care and if u want to drop me a line my add is [email protected] hope to c u there !!!!!!!!
p.s. i heard a few people mention your drs name so that will be a great help to u !!!!

Hi Karen, it was great to see you at the meeting : )
Did you know there is a meeting on Thursdays in Lakewood one night a month, too?
Its basically the same group, it meets at 7pm at a building on the grounds of Kimball Medical Center, off Route 9 in Lakewood. The name of the building is "Center for Healthy Living".
I am the co moderator of that group, and I hope you can attend that one too? Its a newer group, brand new night, June will be our third month of meeting. It is basically the same group of people, just a different night of the month, and a different place. We have people from local and from distant, so if you need a ride or know of anyone needing a ride to this meeting or the Friday meeting... just Yodel...okay, and we will work to make sure that people get a lift : ))
My email is [email protected] and my phone is 732-278-1940, please feel free to get in touch with me if you have any questions. Also feel free to share my email and number with anyone else that is wanting information or that has any questions about the support group meetings, bariatric surgery, or who may need encouragement as they go through the process.
We are a laid back group, as you likely saw tonight. It was great having you there, and I hope you will be bold and ask anything you think of in the way of questions as you get closer to surgery.
Be Encouraged, Have a super Day, and Godspeed in your pre surgery preparations !!
Timmy Ray
Hello Michelle, nice to meet you, Im Timmy Ray and I live in Jackson : )
Yes, the group tonight in Toms River was excellent.. there were 27 of us ! Sorry you didnt make it, we would love to get to know you and hope you can come next month.
ALSO.. basically the "same group" meets on THURSDAYS, each month. The Third Thursday, This month its June 15th, at 7pm, at The Center for Healthy Living. This is at Kimball Medical Center, Route 9, in Lakewood.
I hope you can attend, its a laid back and fun group, with a LOT of people who have either recently (within the last several weeks) had the surgery, or who are about to.
I am the co moderator for the Lakewood group... I will call you over the next few days to touch base with you if thats okay? My phone number is 732-278-1940, my wife Sandi (who also had the RNY surgery, she is down 150 pounds and 2 years out from surgery as of March 2006) live here in Jackson, NJ.
Godspeed to you, be encouraged, and feel free to ask lots of questions if you have them, about the surgery, before surgery, after surgery, or anything else? Its a life changing experience, and our group is very enthusiastic and full of really genuine, fun people that are thrilled when they can assist or encourage others going through the process.
Have a super day, its great to meet you, I hope you will post more about yourself here on the New Jersey board. Write and tell us a little about yourself if you can, okay?
God bless, take care : )
Timmy Ray
Hello Timmy and Karen~
I actually made it to the group Friday night, I met both of you :)
Timmy, I am the one who told you my brothers name is Timmy, and we laughed about him being 40 years old and I still call him Timmy. I remember Karen being one of the few, other than me, who hasn't had surgery yet. I arrived almost an hour late, but it was a great group! All of the people are so genuine and helpful. I met 2 ladies who had the surgery with Dr. Trivedi, the doctor I am using, so that was VERY helpful too. I will be at the Lakewood meeting and the Toms River meeting, I live in Brick, which is right in the middle of the two. I am so lucky they are so close to me.
I meet with Dr. Trivedi this coming Tuesday, June 6, and hope to set a surgery date then. I will keep you all posted. I really want it to be soon.
Have a great weekend and it was nice to meet everyone at the meeting!
Michelle Brennan