July Coffee Clutch
Some of us in Fargo get together to visit and have fun. It is very informal and informative. We are looking at meeting in July. We don't have a set day or time or place, but we have tended to meet on Thursday evening about 6:30.
We had a lot of fun last time and I learned a lot.
Any suggestions on where we should have it? I am inclined to look toward Moorhead only because we have a couple that live east of there. It kind of breaks it up.
I am thinking July 22nd.
I'm back to working days again, so I'd be able to make these monthly coffees. EXCEPT for that particular day. It's my baby's 3rd birthday. I understand you can't pick a date that works for everyone, but I'd be interested if you switched the date. No worries though, I'll make the one in August. I LOVE coffee! =)