Okay everyone...we have not has alot of people respond this month
saying they are coming to the meeting on Monday night. I myself,
will not be able to come due to my surgery on my ankle this past
Friday. It was a bit more than I was told and I have to stay off of
it for 6-8 wks, not 1-2 wks....but anyway, Tonigirl Putman is the
lady who was to be our guest speaker and the following people have
Toni Putnam
Christie S.
Rachel Horton
Sandi Edwards
Pat Holt
Nancy Hall
This is all the people that have confirmed, so, if you would still like to have the meeting this month at a later date, please respond to me asap.
Thank you!

Nancy, just a suggestion, maybe you could put everyones email address into one group on your email like I do for the Red Hat Ladies, my After Service Team and Care Team for church, then I send out 1 email send it to the particular group, and they all get it individually. This way, even if they don't go to the OH site, they will get the reminder. And I am sure you will get more replies this way. I hope this helps you, it sure helps me with my other groups.
I hope your foot is doing better by now. We don't want our sweet little Nancy out of commision for very long now do we??
I love you,