Been awhile......
I haven't posted in FOREVER, but I check in occasionally. I really need some advice/support, etc. My 3 year post-op appointment is next Friday, and I have gained 10 lbs since my appointment last year. I was thinking of doing the 5 day pouch test ~ has anyone done this, and if it worthwhile? Did you lose any weight?
I've had a stressful year ~ my mom died Christmas Day after leaving our house for dinner that evening. My daughter took her home and had to perform CPR on her......very traumatic for all of us. I think that the stress of that didn't help my eating, and I've been in charge of all of her affairs these past 9 months, so that's another stressor.
But....if I'm being totally honest, I've noticed that I can eat more now, and that I've been trying new foods (with sugar.......), and have been drinking more wine than normal, too. (Not alcoholic drinking, but for me it's more than I usually do...).
So! Does anyone have any words of advice for me? I'm nervous about my appointment ~ I don't want to disappoint my surgical team when I've been doing so well in the past. Any help you all can provide will be most welcome, and I look forward to hearing from you!
Thanks in advance,
First of all, be sure that you go to your appointment. Don't worry about the weight gain. To be honest, the fact that you are aware of it and are working towards managing it is what is really important. In the scheme of things a 10 lb regain is within the range of norms. I know that you aren't happy about it because you KNOW that the regain is due to stress eating. That said, I've had a similar year and had to also manage a regain and get it off again. I was able to do it and think that you can too. What I did was start logging again and making sure to get on the scale daily as well as wearing a pedometer. These helped me with becoming more aware and accountable. Being more aware and accountable has helped me get the weight off. I focus on getting in 4 to 6 ounces of protein in each time I eat, then have colorful complex carbs and just have simple carbs as room allows.
I hear that it's been a really rough year. I also hear that you are ready to take care of you. Be gentle with yourself and know that you can regain control.
In my experience, your Dr's office will be glad to see you, glad you are aware of the issues and glad to help you get back on track.
Please check back in and let us know how the appointment went... and know that you can regain control by leveraging your tool
ObesityHelp Coach and Support Group Leader
High-264, Current-148, Goal-145

I went food shopping after work yesterday and bought a lot of the "basics" from when I was first post-op. I don't think I need to do the pouch test - I know that my pouch is working. I just need to BACK AWAY FROM THE CARBS!!!!
Anyway, thank you for your support and guidance. I can always count on you to help us on this message board, and it really means a lot!
Hugs back to you, too!

I'm waiting until Monday morning to see if the scale has moved at all....I definitely feel like I may have lost a pound or two, so we'll see. I'm not going to freak out if nothing happens, since I know that I'm doing what I'm supposed to do. That scale does NOT control me!

I did get my lab work back yesterday, and do have a bit of a fasting glucose keeps rising. This last result was a 99, which is the highest number for normal. Last year it was 87, and the year before it was 78........kind of scaring me, but I'll see what my doctor has to say.
Anyway, my appointment is this Friday, September 30th, so I'll let you all know how it went.
Thanks again for your support and friendship. It helps so much!
Nursebetsyb, I'm right there with you.
I do need to do the pouch test, can anyone help me with that. I've got to stop this madness. I've gained back 30 pounds in 18 months. The last 18 mos has been the worst of my life. Before then I was on top of the world, I was at goal, looking better than ever before and the first time in over 30 years I felt like I could do anything and everything. Then on April 29th my husband got sick and I have been struggling ever since. I eat for comfort, I eat because of the stress, I eat because I'm depress and I'm drinking more and more to dull the pain. My husband is still sick he has a chronic disease. He has been hospitalized more times that I can remember and its sometimes long stays in the hospital. I'm his only caregiver and I'm give out. That doesn't excuse my behavior. But I must be accountable for my actions.
So if you or someone *****ads this knows the 5 day pouch test I sure would love to have it.
Nursebetsyb thanks for posting. Maybe I can get on the right track
Thanks again
Thanks for responding to my does help to know that others are out there struggling, too. I've been hanging in there since I last posted. I'm happy to report that I am on Day Five without eating any of those easy carbohydrates........crackers, chips, bread, pasta, WINE, etc. I just went shopping again yesterday to make sure that I don't run out of anything, and I'm going to weigh myself on Monday morning (which I usually do, but I've been so tempted since I'm not backsliding!).
Stress for people who are addicts of any kind is a real hard thing to overcome. Like Barbara said, at least we're aware that we are reverting back to our old behaviors, and it's up to US to get back on track. I'm sorry that you are going through all of this, but I do know that these message boards are really helpful and supportive, so keep posting! I think that the web address for the five day pouch test is this:
If not, check around on these message boards. That's where I got the link!
Take care of yourself ~ I mean that literally this time! I'll be thinking of you, and let me know if we can help eachother get through this!!!!
I stayed true quick carbs for a week, and NO ALCOHOL.
Got on the scale this morning.......DID NOT BUDGE!!! Exactly the same weight as last Monday!
But! I know that I've been eating the right way, so maybe something else is going on. My fasting glucose this year is 99 ~ the highest number for normal, and I haven't done anything different.
Guess my doctor and I will have a nice little "heart to heart" this Friday, and maybe figure some things out.
Thank you all for your support and advice and friendship. I'm going to keep on plugging along (except for this evening. It's my 24th wedding anniversary, and my husband and I always go out to dinner. We bring our "Bride and Groom" champagne glasses from our wedding day and have a glass of wine).
I'll check back in after my appointment Friday!
Thanks again ~