help, support desired!
Last September something emotionally devastating happened in my life and I started eating my way out of it. I'm dealing with it better NOW but the damage is done and I seem to be still wanting to eat eat eat!
I'm considering the 5-day pouch test. Anyone with experience with this PLEASE CHIME IN as I'm almost scared to tackle it.
I'm feeling so mad, and down on myself. I could sure use some good words. Anyone?
I love my support group but am never there anymore. I travel and am gone when they meet virtually every time. I know you wonderful folks are on this list... I posted on the Meet Up board yesterday as well.... please? someone?
hugs and thanks,
aka Fre
What I am trying to say is that you still have your tool and it still works but it takes some effort. A little resolve to do it is what works in the end. Good luck to you.
Blogs and

High/Surg/current/goal - 320/253/150/healthy - I am 5' 3" tall - Size 8 now! Past surgeon's goal now!
Hi Cindy,
If you tell me a day/time that works for you, I'll make it happen. I may be able to schedule a meetup with multiple people or it might just be good ol' me, but either way do not feel as though there is no one there... We're here. You are not the first and will not be the last to have this issue. It is manageable. While losing weight after you have lost the push from malasorbtion does take more work than it did right after surgery it really is doable. I've done it and will be glad to share some my 'tricks of the trade.'
Re: the 5 Day Pouch Test, while I have never done it, I know others that have and have had success with it. If you go to the 'Grads' forum there are often folks there that swear by it as a way to get back on track. You also might consider visiting the 'Back On Track Together' forum. To be honest, it's much more active than this one and there are a lot of folks dealing the same issues you are facing. That doesn't mean I don't want to see plenty of you here... I DO!, but these may provide some of the direct support you are needing at this time.
It is 'possible' that you have 'stretched' either your pouch or the stoma leading away from it, but to be honest, most often it's that you are 'eating around it' and there are ways to get back on track so that you are 'leveraging' the power of the pouch you have. There are a couple of things you can do to 'check' the volume of your pouch without having to have medical tests run. One is to take a container of low fat cottage cheese. Measure out 5 2-ounce portions (or 1/4 c) and eat it slowly... about 20 minutes without anything to drink 30 minutes before or during the 'test'. Once you feel full, you will be able to tell approximately how much your pouch can hold. Most people find that their pouch will hold somewhere between about 5 to 10 ounces when they have reached 'maintenance.' It's important that you go slowly so that you give your body time to signal your head that you are full and to stay away from fluids so that you don't 'wash' the 'solid' food through the stoma by essentially 'liquifying' it.
Hang in there my friend,
ObesityHelp Coach and Support Group Leader
High-264, Current-148, Goal-145