RNY Scheduled 5/23/11

Carolyn D.
on 5/13/11 12:30 am - NC
Hi!  My name is Carolyn.  I am kind of new and just learning how to navigate this site, to use to my advantage-like getting here to this local forum!!  I have met a few of you and would like to be part of the local support groups-on-line and in a formal setting.  I'm tryong to find the "right" support group.  Does anyone have a suggestion?
Dr. Enochs is my surgeon, and it will be at Rex-in10 days!!!!!  If anyone needs any help that I might be able to provide, I would be glad to help.  Keep you in my prayers, a phone call for encouragement, etc.  I will do whatever  I can to be a positive addition to the NC  losers club!
I'm not having a lot of sucess with my pre-op diet.  I've only lost a few lbs. As in 3 to be exact.  A little stressed about that.
I'll try to get an avatar up ASAP, and finish my goals.  I am slightly electronically challenged!!
Please feel free to contact me, for support, friendship, a listening ear, or whatever else i can do to help!  I can't wait to meet others and get through this huge transitional time in our lives with someone who understands, and knows what the issues are that matter.
Hope to hear from some of you soon!!!   Keep sipping!!!

on 5/13/11 12:43 am - Raleigh, NC
Welcome to the North Kakalakey boards. We are pretty low key and drama free. I am excited for you and the beginning of your journey. We have a Raleigh support group that meets the third Sat of the month off Six Forks road. It is run by a great lady name Barbara. I saw recently that they are trying to start a Durham support group, not sure where you are located.

I had my surgery through Duke but have heard great things of Dr Enochs. Rex is a great facility as that is where I went to correct the stricture I had after my RNY. I am 16 months post op and doing great. I am also a nurse and would be glad to support you in any way I can.

Good luck to you


Carolyn D.
on 5/13/11 12:58 am - NC
Congratulations on your sucess!!!  You look great!!  I'm in Cary, so I'm not far from most anywhere-pretty central to everything.  I would love to know more about the support group.  How long it has been in existance, how many are in it? Is it all types of surgeries, etc.
I am a nurse also, but currently not working due to health issues.  I hope to be rid of a few of those after my surgery!  And really be free of several medications!!  I just hope the new studies about WLS are true, in regard to the decrease in chronic inflamation, and elimination of chronic pain, etc.  That would be perfect!!
Hope to hear from you again soon!  Thanks for responding.


on 5/13/11 1:06 am - Raleigh, NC
My mom lives in Cary and she always says she is central to everything, so I laughed when you said that. You can search meet-up groups and find the Raleigh WLS , It will have more information. I am sorry to hear about your pain, I sure hope the surgery cures that quickly. I had no real health problems except fatty liver and that is now resolved thank GOD.
Let me know if you run into any questions about the surgery I can try and answer for you. I had a stricture that took 5 dilations to fix, but after that it has been smooth sailing. I had lost 125 pounds by 8 months which was a little tooo quick but am building up muscle now.



Carolyn D.
on 5/13/11 3:20 am - NC
five dilitations does not sound fun.  Who did them?  Surgeon, or gastroenterologist?
You are awesome!! It must feel great to have reached your goal!  Keep pumping the protein.  Do you excercise a lot?  What kinds do you do?  Your favorite?
I have a fatty liver as well.  Sounds so gross....  Anyway, I'm supposed to be losing for surgery and have only lost a few pounds.  I'm using the bariatric fusion powder twice a day and eating a sensible dinner-what gives?  I've only got ten more days to lose!!  The gallbladder is coming out, too.  Dr. wanted me to lose a few because of the liver and gallbladder sitch.  Oh, well I hope its enough..


on 5/13/11 4:58 am - Raleigh, NC
I am slack on working out right now, I seem to be a slave to my children's schedule. I did get a personal trainer 1 month pre-op to 8 moths post op. Husband thought that was enough with the expense so had to give it up.
Yes 5 dilations is extreme, as a nurse I should have known better than to let the surgeon try 3 times before getting my own GI specialist who in turn injected kenalog into all four quadrants of the scar tissue and corrected the problem. Lesson learned :).
My liver was in worse shape than I had expected probably headed for cirrhosis. My lft's were 4x normal. I am glad that has resolved. I am 40 and happy to be in better shape than my younger years.
I would definitly increase you workouts pre-op thats what helped me loose 11 pounds pre-op.

I wish you all the best.


Carolyn D.
on 5/13/11 6:23 am - NC
By the way, you have a beautiful name!   I know what you mean with the kids schedules!!  I will be pretty non stop with end of school events, ballet recital(my daughter is the lead ballerina for the first time!!), talent show softball practices and games, etc, etc.
MyLFT's are elevated but I'm not sure if it's the Methotrexate, the gallbladder malfunctioning or the fatty liver?  I am 45 and have two sons out of college.  Our daughter is 10(God has a sense of humor).  Were having a lot of fun though, and I can't imagine having an empty nest at this point!
     Sorry you had to give up the trainer.  I've never had one, and probably never will.  I sneak into the gym at my mom's apartment complex!  I know how it is to have to cut back on things.  Its always things for yourself  that get nixed first-why is that??  I have been out of work since 2002 and miss my patients very much.  I didn't realize just how much till my sister needed some help after an unexpected surgery only 2 weeks ago.  I so enjoy doing for others, and being able to help make them more comfortable.  I was a hospice nurse primarily.  Done many a specialty since I was a nurse at 18!  But I  enjoy hospice the most.  My biggest hope for this surgery is that ultimately I will be able to work again.  Its been tight without me working.  What type of nursing do you work in?
     I will take your advice and drag myself to the gym for a little more torture before the surgery!  I know, I have to adjust my attitude about the gym.  I've decided to look at it like it's a prescription, it pretty much is, after all.
     Time to get supper.  I hope your weekend is relaxing and enjoyable.  Take care.


on 5/13/11 5:21 am - Monroe, NC
Congrats girl, keep up the good work, keep a positive attitude and go for it, it is a life long job but so worth it, at 342 lbs I was miserable and get this my husband weighted 104lbs, you know we looked like mutt and jeff, lol now at 178 lbs i feel i can take on the world hahahaha, plus i have energy to get up and do, I have a 1 yr old granddaughter that stays with us( her mother too) but she is mawmaws girl, so I know had i not had surgery i either would have not been here for her birth or would not have the energy to keep up with her... holler any time!!
Carolyn D.
on 5/13/11 6:32 am - NC
Thanks!  I'm looking forward to grands but there is no hope of that in the near future!!  My boys look at me like, don't hold your breath mom.  The big roadblock is that neither one is married yet!!  Besides I still have to finish raising our daughter who is 10.  Thats one of my big motivating factors!  I need to be healthy for her and hopefully for her kids.  Lord knows, I will need a lot more energy to complete that task!!  Bye for now.  We'll talk soon.
on 5/13/11 8:08 am - NC
Hi again Carolyn!
I am also having my RNY on 5/23! We are like surgery buddies! And, I am also having difficulties on my pre-op diet. I am on a full liquid diet and have only lost 2lbs since monday. I have not cheated at all, and I am a little nervous about not losing more, like maybe my body simply can not loose weight. I guess I just have to keep praying on it.
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