Good Morning Everyone! Wednesday Edition

How was your day yesterday? What are your plans for today? Come share with us.
Yesterday was a very busy day at work yesterday and then a WONDERFUL Christmas celebration with one of my "adopted" families. Lisa made are really yummy chicken and artichoke dish. She was very thoughtful and offered the pasta separate from the other ingredients so that I could control the amount of pasta. She offered a whole wheat pasta so I was able to eat a bit of that with the chicken and artichokes. It was so very good. I am once again very grateful that the highlight of our celebrations no longer involve the food offered but the socialization. This surgery has allowed me to concentrate on the important part of any celebration which is the people involved not the food being served. I still enjoy my food but I am not consumed by it any longer and after almost 4 years since surgery, this still amazes me.
Today I have another busy day at work and then lots of errands to wrap up and goodies to deliver to a few friends for their Christmas.
Today I am so very THANKFUL for so very much:
I have so many wonder friends here and IRL, a wonderful husband, a job that I love that provides for all my needs and great deal of WANTS and my health, my heart is soo full this morning and I am so very fortunate to have so much.
Wishing you a WONDERFUL Wednesday

Can't say anything exciting is happening around the house right now. My son's girlfriend is visiting and my daughter and her are playing board and card games all day since she is off wor****il Thursday and son is working until Thursday LOL! I spent time shuttling the dogs around and catching up on some TV I had recorded. DH is puttering with his computer tweaking it just right. (Glad I have my own so I don't have constant issues with it LOL!)
I really am looking forward to school starting. I will be taking two hours of water fitness classes three days a week and really am excited about getting back into the water.
DH has Christmas dinner planned out and the shopping for it has been done so I don't even have to think about it. We have a turkey which is definitely friendly to my pouch and nutritional needs.
Today will be another day of relaxation and reading since there is really very little to watch on TV. I will make an effort to go to the gym though cause I miss it. Maybe that's a good way to break up my monotony until school starts again.
Have a good day everyone!
Blogs and

High/Surg/current/goal - 320/253/150/healthy - I am 5' 3" tall - Size 8 now! Past surgeon's goal now!
Again, I'm late, but I'm finally here.
I'm really STRUGGLING with some major depression and anxiety issues right now. This difficult year is not ready to ease up yet. I'm trying hard to stay in the present moment, but I have to say that it can be a moment to moment struggle. I'm working hard to take my supplements. I'd say that I'm about 75 percent compliant right now and while that is definitely falling short, it's a resounding success considering what's happening in my life right now. I'm trying to eat decently, but to be honest, not so much... I'm not gaining weight, but I'm not doing a great job of 'fueling' my body either. It's something that I'm aware of and I'm working on it.
I'm really trying to work on starting and closing my days by looking for and counting the blessings in my life. I really need that now. I also need think about how I need to take care of myself. I'm not doing as a job of that as I wish I were and need to try to figure out how to do that. I'm wondering if trying to write it down might help. I've tried it in the past, but always get mired in the words... Seems odd to me... because generally, I'm good with expressing myself, but right now, they escape me...
Ben is still under the weather; recovering, but under the weather all the same.
Today, Sarah and I went out and ran a few errands. I got home and didn't get half of what I needed to get. I wrapped some more packages. Wrestled with Social Security some more and then headed out to get what I had forgotten the first time around. Four stops later I finally got home and had some cleaning up to do before I could finish working on the goodies I've been making for holiday gifts. I still haven't gotten the packages for my kids on the west coast in the mail. Hopefully that will happen tomorrow.
ObesityHelp Coach and Support Group Leader
High-264, Current-148, Goal-145