Time for an activity challenge
I know I have to set goals in order to challenge myself. I know that I have an 8k walk in November to prepare for. So while I have to challenge myself I want to challenge many of yall to join me for the month of October. I want yall to commit or recommit in many cases to walking daily. That's right I simply want you to put one foot in front of the other every single day of October.
For me, my goal is 10,000 steps per day. While I easily exceed that on weekends - I have got to get focused on the daily activity. Wearing my pedometer helps. There was a time in my life that I would have laughed at the possibility - I was physically unable to move that much. 1000 steps might have been a more reasonable goal. Or maybe just a daily round trip to the mailbox.
My point is this - regardless of where you are in this journey you can participate. Think about it. I'll start a post Friday morning where we can list our goals (for the day, the month or the week - that's up to you). And then each day (or as often as you'd like) we can update each other on our progress.
See yall on Friday morning bright and early.
- Iris
For me, my goal is 10,000 steps per day. While I easily exceed that on weekends - I have got to get focused on the daily activity. Wearing my pedometer helps. There was a time in my life that I would have laughed at the possibility - I was physically unable to move that much. 1000 steps might have been a more reasonable goal. Or maybe just a daily round trip to the mailbox.
My point is this - regardless of where you are in this journey you can participate. Think about it. I'll start a post Friday morning where we can list our goals (for the day, the month or the week - that's up to you). And then each day (or as often as you'd like) we can update each other on our progress.
See yall on Friday morning bright and early.
- Iris
Blessed are the flexible for they shall not be bent out of shape.
Highest Surgery Lowest Current
314.5 294 208 258.4