Some info about medicaid
I just wanted to pass this info along to everyone. For anyone who has medicaid and was thinking about getting the surgery, u should definately call the medicaid in Raleigh or where ever it is and find out some more info about it. I would NOT GIVE UP until u find out everything u need to know. Take care all!!
It is my understanding that Medicaid requires a 6 month medically supervised weight loss attempt. If you haven't already started that medically supervised attempt, or hadn't started before July 1, 2010 then you can't get it done before the end of the year therefore wouldn't be able to have the surgery. If you are lucky enough to have started the 6 months consecutive months of medically supervised weight loss attempts before July 1, 2010 and your Dr has each month's visit documented, you may be able to have the surgery scheduled this year. If not, you will not be able to meet the criteria requiring the 6 months of medically supervised weight loss to meet their guidelines.
Hopefully this will change once the economy turns around, but it might be quite a while.
ObesityHelp Coach and Support Group Leader
High-264, Current-148, Goal-145