Did anyone have this?
Before I had surgery everyone said it would be no big deal. The doctor said that only 5% of the people have a problem. Well..........low and behold I was in that 5%. After they took out my gall bladder, the doctor thought he saw some stones, so when I woke up they told me I had to be put back out so they could preform a ERCP. While doing that procedure, I woke up gagging they knocked me back out. Anyway long story short, I went home that night only to wake up in horrible pain. Went back to ER and was told that I was having a severe case of pancreatitus. They told me a normal lipase count is 200 and mine was 20,000. The good news is, I did recover and have not had a problems since.
Now, I told you all of that to ask if anyone else has had any problems with their pancreas and still went through with the surgery? I'm scared that something will go wrong again. Yes I spoke to my doctor but thought I'd ask the forum to see if anyone experienced any problems.
Dear Sherry,
I'm sorry to hear that you had such a difficult time when you had your gallbladder removed. I had mine removed, but without incident. I can understand your concern and think that talking with your surgeon about the likelyhood it would occur again and what would be done if it did would probably be what I would do. Even if I had the experience that you had, I'd probably opt for the surgery, but want to know what can be done to keep it from happening or to mitigate any issues if it does.
Wishing you all the best,
ObesityHelp Coach and Support Group Leader
High-264, Current-148, Goal-145
Hi Sherry,
Like you, I always seem to find myself in that .05 percent. I had a punctured colon when I had my RNY... rare, but it happens and it happened to me. That said, I'd do it again.
Hope all goes well,
ObesityHelp Coach and Support Group Leader
High-264, Current-148, Goal-145
Not sure if that hepls ease your fear or not, but I wish all the best to you,