Just can't wait!!
Can't wait to watch your progress on this incredible journey. Enjoy every minute of it. It is so worth it.
- Iris
Blessed are the flexible for they shall not be bent out of shape.
Highest Surgery Lowest Current
314.5 294 208 258.4
Congratulations on your upcoming surgery.
We are here when you have any questions or concerns. I am usually on the boards first thing every weekday morning and can be reached throughout the day if you would like to PM me.
Keep positive, this has been an amazing journey for me. At more than 3 years out I am still amazed and having WOW moments.
Best Wishes................Carrie
Hi Brandy,
Congratulations on your upcoming surgery. I am sure that it is likely to be one of the most positive, life-changing decisions you may ever make. Studies have shown that those who are active in support groups and work to make life style changes, such as learning ways to make yourself accountable are most successful at losing their excess weight and maintaining their new weight.
I wish you all the best in this fabulous journey and look forward to getting to know you.
ObesityHelp Coach and Support Group Leader
High-264, Current-148, Goal-145
I am very excited for you.. I am sure you will be just fine!!
They just said I need to maintain and/or loose and if when I go in for the 2 week pre-op and I weigh more than when I saw him last (which was in Feb ) then he will post-pone surgery! Yikes.......