10 weeks out - Trouble concentrating at work
I am 10 weeks out. I am still going day to day what I can eat and making sure I get my protein and fluids. But I was wondering if others had trouble getting their act together at work after surgery. I just can't seem to concentrate at work the way I used to. I keep forgetting to do things and I can keep myself on task. I think my brain is still working adjusting to my new life. Did anyone else have trouble? How long did it take to get back to normal at work?
I definitly think the decrease in calories and food intake affects brain power. I think it was a good 4 months before I felt like myself again. i am 5 months out and still have some days I have to take a nap when I get home, but they are getting further and further apart. it is amazing to imagine how much we are putting our bodies through after WLS. It is like a shock to our bodies and the healing takes all the nutrients we take in so there are none left for our day to day adventures.
It will get better, every day is a new day.
Good luck and keep up the good work,
It will get better, every day is a new day.
Good luck and keep up the good work,
This varies from person to person, but it is really pretty common and does resolve. It drove me crazy at first, but with time things improved. I think you should start seeing some improvement soon.
Congratulations on your success.
ObesityHelp Coach and Support Group Leader
High-264, Current-148, Goal-145