Hair loss
Hi Sunshine,
Some amount of hair loss is relatively common. The amount varies greatly. I had some that was very noticeable to me, but to be honest, not really noticeable to anyone else. I had 'handfulls' of hair coming out for a couple of months. That said, I have very thick hair to start with, so while it was 'unnerving', it really wasn't a problem. I honestly lost about the same amount of hair when I was pregnant with my children. They think it has something to do with the enormous stress of surgery, followed by low protein levels after surgery which also stresses your body. They have also noted that many people have this issue following any type of general anesthesia regardless of the surgery they have had. Some of my support group members that didn't have much hair to start with seemed to have more of an issue with it. Some people swear by 'Biotin', but you have to take Zinc to make the Biotin effective and you can only take Zinc for 30 days at a time without having toxicity issues, so that means that you can take Biotin and Zinc for 30 days, then take a 30 day break then start again. There are no scientific studies showing the efficacy of Biotin, but my nutritionist at Duke said it might help and it certainly won't hurt, especially if you make sure to take it in 30 day cycles with the Zinc.
I must say that while the hair loss was unnerving for the couple of months I had to deal with it, it was transient and all of my hair grew back in. I'd do it again, even knowing that I'd have to deal with some temporary hair loss again.
ObesityHelp Coach and Support Group Leader
High-264, Current-148, Goal-145
Yes many of us do loose hair.
I used to tell people that I would rather be bald and skinny instead of bald and fat.
For a while I was wearing a wig it was a pain in the butt to tell you the truth.
As of two weeks ago I found a wonderful new product from Avon Toni Brattin Hair Extensions.
Since I sell Avon I use many of the products so yes I got a hair piece and let me tell you I love it.
The color blends well with my own color and is so comfortable to wear.
My hair is coming back and has thined alot in front but it is returning and with my hair piece it has helped me feel more confident.
Make sure you get as much protein in as you possibly can in the early stages after surgery was the advice I was given.
Good Luck to you.
- Iris
Blessed are the flexible for they shall not be bent out of shape.
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