Thursday check-in
Good Morning Everyone!
You know what they say about the best laid plans? Well I did not get to spend much time in the office yesterday but had to make a trip to the airport in Raleigh. The drive itself took 3 hours out of my work day. I did take advantage of the trip and stopped at the Farmers Market for some YUMMY strawberries.
Did you all know that there are flying ladders on the beltline? I was attacked by one of those roofer's ladders while driving around the beltline. I was grateful that it hit the road before it could come through my windshield. It scared me more than anything else and it looks like even though I did run over it, there was no damage to my little Hyundai.
My massage last night was pure PLEASURE. The 2 hours in the meditation room seemed like just 10 minutes at the most and really added to the experience. I did not realize how much that time could set the mood for the most enjoyable massage I have ever experienced.
For today, I will try to stick to yesterday's original plan of trying to find the surface of my desk. I will climb the stairs and walk as much as possible.
I have several options available in the office as mini-meals and of course I have some YUMMY strawberries that I have already cleaned and sliced.
Hope each and everyone of you have a WONDERFUL Thursday!

thought I'd share a beautiful sunrise with yall thsi morning. My boys are staying over in Corolla with friends this week and my oldest thought I might like to start my day with this scene. things have been fairly stressful lately and this is such a simple way for me to refocus and calm down.
I had the foamies last night after some chicken for dinner. I haven't had that happen in well over a year. It just goes to show that Oscar the Pouch is alive and well. I'll certainly be babying hom today. The plan looks something like this:
commute: Click Frappe w/ ff lactaid
Breakfast: Egg Beaters southwest omelet
Lunch: Leftover Mexican from yesterday's office lunch (seasoned ground turkey was FANTASTIC
snack : Fage w/ Brown sugar splenda & cinnamon
Dinner: Baked Ricotta (the pastless Lasagna from those early post op days)
Snack: NSA Fudgesicle
Lots of Water and Decaf tea through out the day as well as a "Metamucil" Orange Aid. (Crystal Light Orange Sunrise, a pack of splenda, a scoop of Metamucil in a bottle of water - freeze for less than an hour or until slushy) Texture is like fresh OJ - taste isn't bad either.
Exercise: Not sure - supposed to be HOT at midday for my walk and I have my annual Mammogram aftre work so that makes for a late night workout then I don't sleep well.
What's everybody else doing today?
- Iris
Blessed are the flexible for they shall not be bent out of shape.
Highest Surgery Lowest Current
314.5 294 208 258.4
At 3 years out, I still have problems with Ms. Picky Pouch when I am stressed out. Chicken has always been a hit and miss thing with me anyway.
This weekend my husband wanted Wendy's so I agreed and decided on a baked potato and chili. I ate some of the insides of the potato and a majority of the chili for that meal and thought I would have the left-over potato skins with chili and add some cheese for the next day. It was very yummy and went down for about 10 minutes, when Ms. Picky decided she DID NOT want any potato skins! If I eat just one bite too many or something she does not want it will come right back up within the hour.
So our pouches do rule FOREVER.
Love that sunrise, thanks for sharing.
Ok I am helping a friend of mine who 3 years ago I had to let go because of her negative attitude towards my surgery.
Long story short my friend is very depressed and her eatting habits are out of control.
My friend is going with me weekly to Alanon which I feel is helping her learn the 12 steps to recovery.
Ok after the meeting we went to wholefoods to get a bite to eat.
She has all the wrong things on her plate but I stick to what I need and Bubbles is happy with.
While at lunch she told me that for about two months now she goes once a week to a pizza place and eats 10 slices of pizza.
Well all I could really say is how many calories do you think that was?
I did thank her for sharing her secret with me.
She is in a really bad relationship and is feeling so unwanted by her partner.
Nothing I can do to change her situation she has to do that.
I do understand what it was like to fill that void in my heart with food.
On the other hand I got a appointment with PS at UNC on July1st.
OMG they were telling me that insurance will not cover it so on and so forth.
I told them ok just let me see Dr. Hultman and see if that will change and left it that.
On the brighter side I have only two weeks to go and I will actually finally be in the classroom taking math and English to put towards my AA degree at GTCC. I am really excited about this and know I will get plenty of exercise everyday just getting from the parking lot and to and from classes. I plan to deliberately park as far away as I can which probably won't be hard since college parking lots are notoriously full anyway. Maybe I will start wearing my pedometer again just to see my progress. I also hope I will be able to take gym classes as well but I haven't really seen many to sign up for. I know it used to be required but I am not sure it still is. I hope so because for the first time I am actually excited by the idea of gym class. Who knew?
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High/Surg/current/goal - 320/253/150/healthy - I am 5' 3" tall - Size 8 now! Past surgeon's goal now!