Looking for a support group near Goldsboro
Hi Lisa,
I am a little over a year out from surgery and I live in Kinston. I don't know of any groups in goldsboro or in the surrounding area. But we also get a group together of people in the area. I do go to Greenville every other month on the first saturday at McAllistars and meet with a group a people that have had or are having the surgery.
Just drop me a line here on on Facebook.
sarah jane jones
I am a little over a year out from surgery and I live in Kinston. I don't know of any groups in goldsboro or in the surrounding area. But we also get a group together of people in the area. I do go to Greenville every other month on the first saturday at McAllistars and meet with a group a people that have had or are having the surgery.
Just drop me a line here on on Facebook.
sarah jane jones