You may be smarter than a 5th grader but are you as fit as one?
Like I know what the fitness level of a 5th grader should be. Anyway made you look!
Planning to do a 5 mile walk on Saturday and started to invite my nephew but this slim 16 yr old is so out of shape he would not be able to do a mile!
So, I am proud that I can walk this far with no problem, but my BIG head got a rude awakening this morning. STORY TIME!
I get up at 4:30am to run or do the elliptical. Today was a ‘run’ day, but my knee was not happy on the elliptical yesterday so I thought I would be nice to it and give it a break. Cross training has not been my thing scone I stopped going to the gym (nothing like those big intimidating weight machines!). Even though a strong core would improve my runs, I have just been so proud to run.
So I decide to use my stretchy band and some 5lb weights to focus on some upper body work. Since my bout with tendonitis in both wrists, I have neglected my upper body AND IT TOLD ME SO THIS MORNING!
So I lift my weights above my head, to my middle to my side, and then bend straight over. Repeat 10 times and turn up the volume for every MOAN, GROAN, and BONE CRACKING sound that your body can make!
I was stiff as a board and was amazed at how much I have been neglecting stretching and toning, and flexing.
Anyone got one of those body stretching tables like Morticia and Gomez? One good bone popping S-T-R-E-T-C-H and I will be more fit than a 5th grader…NOT
If I am gonna eat like a fat girl, then I gotta workout
like a skinny girl!