We split most of our meals when we go out and we do go out quite often, at least weekly, sometmes more often. I usually head for seafood.... LOVE IT. I stay away from anything fried, greasy or high carbs (pasta)
I love ribs!! They always taste yummy and go down easy. Except the ones we got at Applebees last week. WAY tough. I can eat a nice tender steak (well, only part of it). Stuffed chicken marsalla at Olive Garden - so juicy and tender! If you take the leftovers home (either the staek or chicken) and put it on a salad the next day - oh yeah!
Almost any fish from anyplce also works well, but I'm not a big fish eater. Scallops and shrimp, now that's a different story. Very Yumm-o.
This will depend a lot on where you are in your journey. When you are very new after surgery, you can probably eat out at most restaurants, but will want to be careful with what you choose. You are likely to do well with things like a crab or shrimp ****tail, but be careful of the ****tail sauce if you don't know how sensitive you might be to sugar. Another thing that is normally a good bet is a light crabcake that isn't full of breading or a flaky fish. Also you will likely find that most chili's and bean based soups will work well for you and remember to only order a cup, there is no way you'll be able to eat a bowl until you are a year or more out.
Wishing you all the best,
ObesityHelp Coach and Support Group Leader
High-264, Current-148, Goal-145
When I was so new like you are I would just order soup or something easy like an omelet when we went anywhere, explaining I had recently had surgery and found everyone very accomodating here in Charlotte. Then I would slowly add things as time went on, my Dr had a strict no solid foods for 8 weeks so it was a while before I could go out. Mexican always worked well for me in the begining, now at over two years I go anywhere and eat anything as I would at home but honestly it was and i**** or miss for me. I can eat something now and it will bother me, like too much salad, or any rice product.
It was just a learning experience when I started out and the best way was to just pick off people plates, I would order something others wanted to sahre and I would nibble off their plates...