Tuesday check-in
Good Morning Everyone! Hope you had an enjoyable day yesterday.
I have a really hard time on Mondays anyway, but it was made even more so with being out 4 days prior. I planned on attending water aerobics last evening only to get there and find the pool is closed and may be for the rest of the week! I think I will plan on moving on dry ground the rest of the week.
I feel like I did really well with my food choices yesterday and I got in my water with the help of both sippie cups (one at home/car and one at work)
Today was suppose to be a day with my friend Hope. Hope called yesterday morning and did not sound like herself due to being sick. So she had to cancel. I already had a day of "girl stuff" planned so I called my BFF Sandy and my day will go as planned with her. When Hope is feeling better we will reschedule for another day.
I have a crock pot full of white bean chicken chili brewing for tonight. I have my sippie cup ready to ride and a day of fun with my BFF. What more could a girl ask for?
What do you have planned for your day? Do you need to ramble? Please share with us.
Wishing you all a Wonderful day!
I received two other mixes from other co-workers. See a theme? I love soup and I love mustards. So I received a bit of both from friends this year.
Since I'm off the rest of this week, I am doing things with my kids this week. Yesterday they almost drove me insane so I HAVE to find things to do with them. Today we are going to see Alvin and the Chipmunks at 2 with a friend and her kids. I will be sending them outside for a while too. The good thing about not being in school is they stay up late so they sleep late too. This is my time to do what I want.
I took the ornaments off the tree yesterday and will get the rest of it put away today when we get the boxes down. I'm ready since it's in the way of the treadmill. I am going to try to get involved in a c25k program. Anyone have trouble running after losing weight due to excess skin? It just feels wierd. (TMI?)
I still have to decide what to fix for a couple of friends I invited to dinner tomorrow night. I am not a great hostess and we don't invite people over ever so I'm a little nervous about that. Any ideas? Wouldn't mind doing that white chili but my hubbie can't do spicy. Thinking roast?
My Aunt makes Vegetable Beef, I make Chicken of some description, another aunt makes Chili and my Mom makes Beans. Yummmmm.......now that I think about it 15 Bean sounds really good on a cold day.
Blessed are the flexible for they shall not be bent out of shape.
Highest Surgery Lowest Current
314.5 294 208 258.4
We folks coming to and fro to see puppies all day. It's nice, but can be tiring too.
I also have to run to the bank to take care of a bit of business.
I hopped on the scale this morning after a few days absence and had an unwelcome surprise... Okay, maybe not so much of a surprise. I've gained a few pounds. I didn't panic though. I know why I've gained it and I know how to get rid of them. I've been indulging in too many carbs. I need need flip that over and make sure I'm loading with DENSE protein first. I know it will be okay, but I have to admit that it gives me a bit of a negative adrenaline rush when I see the scale tick up a few pounds in the 'wrong' direction.
I did finally get the bean and ham soup made and we enjoyed it last night. I know it will even be better today and we'll probably have some either for lunch or dinner.
I have way to much 'stuff' in the fridge and I need to get it cleaned out.
Yesterday I nearly dismantled my master bathroom to give it a thorough cleaning. It's pretty crisply clean. I need to strip off the rest of the 1980's floral wallpaper and prep it for painting. We may also remove the old lights and mirror while we are at it. We'll see.
Let's see... I think that's probably it for today. I had wanted to clean up clothes mountain in my bedroom, but I think it's going to have to wait for another day since we are going to be swamped with puppy visitors.
I hope you all have a good day.
ObesityHelp Coach and Support Group Leader
High-264, Current-148, Goal-145
I'm trying to get myself organized and get my head back in the game to fully use my tool in 2010. I plan on making my goal weight this coming year and to do that I need to tweak my plan. There are some baby steps over the next few weeks (getting rid of the bad carbs and caffeine). Then there's the committment to the exercise routine. I have to find something that I really enjoy. It was easier in the summer with being on the water. But the ho hum boredom sets in this time of year for me.
I plan on rearranging the guest room tonight so that I can get my treadmill in there. I think I'll use it more often if it's right there - at least I'll feel guilty for looking at it everytime I walk down the hall. Plus when it's folded up that'll create floor space infront of the TV for the Wii (David will have to reconfigure the gaming systems and put the XBOX in the living room). I do enjoy the Wii Fit. Now if I can just make it a habit.
Blessed are the flexible for they shall not be bent out of shape.
Highest Surgery Lowest Current
314.5 294 208 258.4
There is my story as for this week, spent Christmas sick with an upper resp infection. Working on trying to feel better and thank goodness my older two have soccer camp this week so it is quiet with just one at home.
I look forward to getting to know all of you and can't wait for the future of a healthier life!!!