Air pocket?
I woke up from a sound sleep at about 1030 last night with excruciating cramping in my upper stomach. I am 5 months post surgery. By 11:10 pm or so and the pain being so bad, I called the surgeon on call (who does not do gastric bypass). He was suprised i was having cramping this many weeks out and said it could be an air pocket (gas?). He told me to take some Mylanta and sit up. So my poor hubby ran out at 11:30 last night for mylanta which i took right away and sat up in a recliner. I dozed off about 1 am and he woke me up an hour later and the cramping was gone. My stomach is real hard this morning and I am trying to drink a CIB. It appears I am fine as I was able to go to the bathroom but this scared me real bad. Has anyone else had anything like this?
Thanks, Pam
I am not as far out as you but I had some real bad cramping in my chest a couple days but I figured that The importance of a measuring cup was greater than I really thought. When it happened to me I burped and had alot of relief. Hope you are feeling better!
429/395/225/184/185 6' height
1st dr appt/surgery/dr goal/current/my goal