LEVEL 3 diet here I come!!!!!
429/395/225/184/185 6' height
1st dr appt/surgery/dr goal/current/my goal
Congrats on moving on to stage three foods..woohoo I am not a big fish eater but I LOVE Shrimp!!!! I could eat shrimp till the sun comes up hahahhaa I like to put them wrapped in bacon on the BBQ and add some Old Bay seasoning... serve up a teaspoon of baked beans and a teaspoon of corn and Im all set LOLOLOLOL Flounder is very good when it is broiled


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THIS IS MY TIME!!!!!!!!!!!
Dr's make me crazy as I am over a month out and still not to your phase.Here are some ideas Shrimp sautee in a little butter, olive oil, garlic,parsley and salt and pepper and a splash of lemon juice or white wine and you have a fine scampi. Clams are great in the shells steamed in white wine, garlic, parsley,a little butter,olive oil , salt fresh cracked pepper and a bottle of clam juice. If you want to add some fresh grated romano cheese it's great . This can also be used as a clam sauce for linguimi The big scallops that they sell frozen at trader joes are great too. If you get some sesame oil and a little soy sauce and some ginger and marinate them in it and then screwer them on the grill you are good to go.
Trader joe's also had some frozen fish already marinated to make it way easy to cook fish. Also try some of the smoked fish , trout, salmon whatever you can get. lot's of protein and easy to eat.