If you're lucky...
Happy St. Patrick's Day!
I don't have a smidge of Irish in me, but I'm all decked out in greens today regardless. I went to Ireland for Christmas/New Year's to meet up with my daughter, who goes to university in England and wanted to go somewhere we hadn't been before. We had a blast, but I know that I would have had MUCH more energy if I'd waited until after my Band surgery! Holy cow, that poor girl would be run ragged if we traveled together right now!
Erin go bragh, and ga raibh maith agat for the pot o'gold of support and camaraderie!
I'm a wee bit Irish. Along with everything else under the sun! :) Hmmmm, protein shakes aren't going to do it for me, Darcie. I hope you at least made them green! I made Irish Stew tonight & it was fabulous! I even made some traditional Irish Soda Bread on the side. I only had one bite of the bread, but Ryan and my dad both loved it! Of course, they loved it along with some Guiness too...lucky guys.
Not too many IRISH folk out replying, but that's okay. Mostly, I wanted to wish everyone a happy holiday and send a thanks out to all; for their support and encouragement! You don't have to be Irish to enjoy a holiday or give or to give thanks to the wonderfully supportive people we have found here!!!! Love everyone and wish you ALL the best!!!!!!!!!!!!!!