Any hospitals/surgeons in NC or close by that do WLS on BMI 70+?
Now that I'm on the road to WLS, my sister is renewing her interest in having it done, too. She went with me to my first appt. with my surgeon, and he told her that he wouldn't/couldn't operate on her until/unless she was 55BMI or less. She weighs around 450, which means she'd have to lose close to 100 lbs on her own, and I just don't think that's gonna happen....I am so afraid for her health....she's been MO most of her life, and I think she'd be willing to have WLS if somebody would be willing to work with her.
Any info would be appreciated!
Check with Dr. Kenneth Mitchell in Southern Pines. I'm pretty sure that he takes on patients with very high BMI's.
Good luck.
ObesityHelp Coach and Support Group Leader
High-264, Current-148, Goal-145
I had surgery with Dr. Mitchell 2 years ago. He is fabulous. His PA Brett had the RNY in May 2006. He is great as well. Plus he has been there and knows what the process is like.
Unless he changed his plan his was a weight cut off versus a BMI cut off. The weight cut off is 500 pounds.
You have to first atten a weightloss info session. He offers one in Raleigh the first Monday of the month. I think there is two a month in Pinehurst the first and third Thursday. You don't have to have an appt to attend and info session.
There should be info at
If you have trouble treacking down any info contact me and I will find the phone # for the bariatric coordinator.
Anchor cut TT 9/27/2007
Hey Lisa.. How did your appointment with Dr. K go? I have been meaning to check on you, but have been BUSY. I know you can relate. :)
Dr. Voellinger does not have a BMI limit. She could contact him. :) I hear he is very good.
David C. Voellinger
(704) 347-4144
More Info
Hi Jennifer!
My appointment was good....except I don't know where you went for your appt....I was reading how you and others raved about Justina....she wasn't appt was at Carolinas Wellness and Weight Management in the Eastover Building on 7th street....the staff was not as friendly and professional as I had hoped/expected....but Dr. Kuwada was great, as always....when I asked him his mortality rate, he told me he'd done over 450 surgeries and not lost anybody yet, so that made me feel better.
I got my NUT and fitness appts scheduled for April 22nd, and just heard back from the psych and have an appt on April after I get all that done, the ball should start rolling a little.
Thanks for the info on Dr. Voellinger....I will pass that on to her....when Dr. K said she'd have to lose about 100 lbs before he could do the surgery, I knew that was discouraging to maybe I'll tell her that there are some docs who would be willing to do it.
Thanks everybody for the input!