Kays Naturals
Has anyone tried these products? they look sooooo yummy!!!
I also think there are protein chips at Trader Joes... how do they compare to these here at Kays?
Thanks for your input. Can you tell I want something CRUNCHY and SALTY?? LOL

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A friend and I just ordered quite a few of the flavors. I love the cereal! The chili nacho cheese are yummy to me. My husband loved the chipolte ones....very spicy.
They all seem to be very crunchy. Really great flavor on the outside and then the inside I can taste the soy. It's not a bad flavor. I just tell people they are weird good. lol
Hope this helps!
Becky :)
Thanks Becky! I ordered the sample pack. I am curious about the cereal. I LOVE CEREAL and I've very excited about getting it.
www.youravon.com/cmccaughey - Got Avon? Its not just about makeup anymore... Always check out the "About Avon" tab on my website for my latest special. Thanks for Browzing!!
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Hmmm... I went to the website but I cant find any nutritional information. I am not an advocate of snacking for the sake of snacking as that's what got me into this mess in the first place! But I will allow myself a nutritional snack in moderation. Just can't find any info on these products. Am I missing the link?
I went to the "home" link and it pulled up information. I'm not a fan of snacking either...but I would eat them for the protein at the end of the night if I needed more protein.
I found this information.. http://www.kaysnaturals.com/premier.html
also each product has its own information if you click on the individual
www.youravon.com/cmccaughey - Got Avon? Its not just about makeup anymore... Always check out the "About Avon" tab on my website for my latest special. Thanks for Browzing!!
THIS IS MY TIME!!!!!!!!!!!
I love, love, love Kay's protein chips, cereals, and pretzels. They've saved me from snacking on icky things quite often over the past couple of months. As you said, buttersmom: "CRUNCHY and SALTY"!!!
The Cinnamon Toast Pretzels are my current fave. And I love their cheesy poofs, whatever they're called -- Kruncheez? or something like that. A little of that goes a long way!