Does anybody know.....
This doesnt have anything to do with WL but I have a bunch of baby girl clothes(0-9 months) that I would like to give to a mom that really needs baby clothes. If anybody knows of anyone please let me know. I would go to the pregnancy board but I would like someone here in NC and want to give them to somebody that desperately needs them and not someone that is just looking for free stuff and doesnt want to if I made any sense and you know someone in need please let me know. Thank you
I'm a regular on that board, and I can't think of anyone in NC having a girl, needy or not.
You might try a local church.. one down the road collects baby items for teen mothers. You might also contact the local Y's child care center and see if they know anyone.
Good luck finding someone. It's a generous thing you're offering to do.
what a good deed.
You will earn another gold star by your name for being so generous.
I'm sure someone can use them if you take to a church. - Got Avon? Its not just about makeup anymore... Always check out the "About Avon" tab on my website for my latest special. Thanks for Browzing!!
THIS IS MY TIME!!!!!!!!!!!
Hi, Amanda! There is a place called P.E.E.RS (family developement center) located on Chaney Ave, a road located behind the jacksonville fire dept. . They are a non profit organization that educates and helps teens that are pregnant and teens with babies. They can always use stuff like that and it is tax deductable. I have brought a bunch of summer stuff over there from my little one last fall. They allow the moms to pick out what they need for their babies. If you need more info, let me know!