Plastic surgery and me... HELP
That's one big buttload of crap!!
I have never heard of such a thing. I can't imagine how you feel if I'M this mad and it's not my panni hanging in the balance. (pardon the pun...did you smile?) ;O)
That's like having approval for a tubal ligation and the doctor won't do it unless you pay OOP for a mastectomy that you don't need.
What's THAT about??
Sorry Alison. Hang in there & keep us posted.

That is a crock of crap! Is Dr. Eaves a doc that is on your list of insurance co. approved docs? If so, I would call them and have them intervene or he could risk being taken off their approved list. I would do this as soon as possible so they know you aren't fooling around. No doc wants to be taken off a carriers list as an approved plastic surgeon! If it doesn't work with the first person you get at the insurance company, then I would ask to speak to their supervisor. Take care and good luck! Pam
well the girl from the doctors office did email me , she said the doctor does not talk to people concerning surgery or money issues over the phone and that I mis understood her ( yea right ) ... she asked that I PLEASE come in and see the doctor next week. She said the concern was making my condition worse by not doing the other stuff... WHAT DOING MY BOOBS WILL HELP MY PANNI AREA !!!!!!!!!! Ladies and gentlman , let me introduce myself " I AM BORN YESTERDAY "
Allison, I am with Pam on this one. If that is the way they operate, I would turn them in to the insurance company as well as the State Board of Ethics and Licensing Board. That is unconscionable! I am so sorry you are being stressed like this over someone else's greed issues! Hold your ground and insist on being treated ethically. Or go somewhere else but not until you have turned him in!