animal project update
I am going to get a quaker parrot next Wednesday from my dog groomer with cage and food included for free.
My dog groomer's daughter has a a parrot that she dosent spend much time with and so June called me today and wanted to know if I was intrested.
Lee>>>>>>>>>>is going to kill me when he finds out LOL I havent even called him to tell him.
The bird is in need of lots of TLC and attention so between me and the bulldogs I am sure we can provide lots of excitment.
I am still waitng for parrot rescue to set up a home visit with me in hopes of adopting a african grey.
For now this will be my new animal project.
I think that is great....woooooo hoooooo I think my hubby is immune to what ever I drag home by now. He goes on a business trip and he comes home not knowing who or what is going to be living in our house and he never even bats an eyelash.
People who love animals have such a besutiful soul and even tho I don;t comment much I have read so many of your posts and know that you have a great soul. Good luck witht he new feather baby
Sandra Mannaravalappil......The Best Darn Chubby Realtor in Charlotte LOL
How cute is that Darcie about your birds.
My kitchen is big and we have large windows and I am thinking about having the bird close to the windows so he can watch my squirrel who brings his buddies for nuts everyday.
PS I did heart attack hill today and belive it or not it did not seem as hard.
I am also trying to do small spurts of fast walking but trying to get the bulldogs to speed up is a job.
Hey Annie,
There's one lucky bird! Take pictures! I can't wait to hear all the details.
ObesityHelp Coach and Support Group Leader
High-264, Current-148, Goal-145
Annie, I had a quaker for several years. The sweetest bird and TALKED TALKED & TALKED more!! He wanted to be close to me all the time, but loved my mother, who lived with me. When she passed he greived himself to death. At least that is what the vet believed! I will get another one when the time is right. Besides my ****ateil is lonesome. Dianne