Keep Your fingers crossed!

373/334/184/188/175/ - Highest/Surgery/Lowest-PrePregnancy/Current/First Goal
It's a BOY!
Danielle, I meet with her again on the 19th, so I'll have my fingers-crossed then, too. I did have the abdominal ultrasound and endoscopy yesterday. It was a little worse than I expected, but not really bad at all. I thought I was going to be completely unaware of what was going on during the endoscopy, but I could hear them talking and could feel the scope at times. It didn't hurt, though. It was just uncomfortable. As far as I know all they found was a "very small" hernia. Dr. MacDonald said it was nothing to worry about and I could still have either the lapband or bypass. He did give me the impression that he liked the bypass better than the band. I had decided to have the band and he said I was a candidate for either, but something in his voice made me second guess myself. Maybe I just misunderstood or am reading way too much into the 5 minute conversation we had. Oh well. I'll just keep rolling along. All that's left of my tests is cardiac on April 3rd. Then insurance approval... Good luck, again, and take care. Amanda
Amanda, I hate that, I don't remember anything. I was completely out of it! It's your desicion, you should make the choice that you feel most comfortable with! You should have no problem with the Cardiac. When I went the DR told me that he had already talked to my surgeon about me. He asked him the major questions, and from them he knew I was okay to have the surgery, he just did an EKG to check out my heart, and that was it!! It looks like we will be starting our new lives together!!! What hospital are you having yours done at? Mine is at Pitt. Hey if it works out, we may have to become "Walking buddies" in the hospital. Ha Ha You take care too. Thank you for lifting my spirits!! Danielle