Getting Anixous
Three more days until my consult visit. I am super excitied. I am getting a little nervous though. If anyone would like to share there surgery experience I would love to hear it. For example, how long is surgery, are you ver sore afterwards, what do you eat your first week, etc.... Thank you in advance for your replies!! I love getting on the forum every night and reading how everyone is doing! I can not wait to get on the bench with ya'll. I hope my appts go fast. I am so ready to once feel good about myself!!!
Thank you again for listerning to me whine!
Hello Angie, I had surgery March 14th 2006, my lap RNY took less than an hour . The surgeron kept me in the hospital 2 nights and really it was not bad at all for me, I had a drain that came out on the second day when they removed the drain it felt strange, not really painful just different. I went home and rested for a few days , and could only have liquids for a couple weeks then started jello and cottage cheese, but I really was not hungry at all you just drink the protein drinks on schedule , listen to the nutritionst he/she will give you a sheet of what you can and can not have, just take it slow and learn to sip. I had surgery on a Tuesday and returned to my desk job the next Monday with no problem, no stiches just butterful closures and I was able to shower the day after my surgery. After about a month I started to really miss EATING , but like everything in this journey --- it passed and now I LOVE MY RNY . Do as the doctor tells you WALK as mouch as you can , remember the surgery is a tool not a quick fix. I have gone from 327 to 162 and I am now waiting for plastic surgery to remove some skin. I would like to suggest a book - Weight Loss Surgery for Dummies, it is a wonderufl book to have on hand. Good luck and welcome to the loser bench
Pugs Momma
aka Allison

373/334/184/188/175/ - Highest/Surgery/Lowest-PrePregnancy/Current/First Goal
It's a BOY!
Hi Angie -
I don't know that I have a lot to add to the previous posts. You are welcome to read my profile which has a pretty detailed account of my own experience. I will say that I'm glad I did it and would do it again. I did have a complication during surgery, so my surgery lasted about 4 hours, instead of the more common 1 hour procedure.
By the way ... you are not whining. It's okay to have lots of questions ... it's more than okay, it's a good thing.
ObesityHelp Coach and Support Group Leader
High-264, Current-148, Goal-145