The scale isn't BROKEN!
Hi all-
Hooray! After nearly 2 weeks the scale has started to move again! I was really getting discouraged, having had no weightloss since the week after surgery. Then yesterday the scale started to move again. I had even changed the batteries in the scale thinking that would magically make it work again. lol

As someone who'**** that wall right on your heels (lost and gained the same two pounds the past week), I'm so encouraged to read that you're once again on a downard slope! You really hung in there these past two weeks. You're my hero!
Congratulations on smashing down the Evil Plateau Wall. Now watch that scale slide, slide, the electric slide:
You gotta know it; It's electric! Boogie woogie, woogie! Now you can't hold it; It's electric! Boogie woogie, woogie! But you know it's there, Yeah -- here, there, everywhere
I've got to move, I'm going on a party ride. I've got to groove, groove, groove, And from this music I just can't hide.
Are you comin' with me? Come let me take you on a party ride And I'll teach you, teach you, teach you, I'll teach you the electric sliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiide